Saturday, August 24, 2024

Subject Indexes to Dogen Zenji's 300 Koans Collection

 Eihei Dogen's 300 Koans Collection: Indexing by Michael P. Garofalo

Dogen's Shinji Mana Shobogenzo 300 Koans Collection DSMS

Buddhism: Dogen's Shinji Mana Shobogenzo Koan Collection 
DSMS 300 Koan Cases
Text Authority:
The True Dharma Eye: Zen Master Dōgen's Three Hundred Koans.
Translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi and John Daido Loori. Shambhala, 2005, index, glossary, lineage charts, biographies, 472 pages.

Indexing by Michael P. Garofalo
Green Way Research, Vancouver, Washington
2nd Draft, May 30, 2023

Subject Index to All Cases in Dogen's 300 Koans Collection. 
DSMS, May 30, 2023, PDF, 51 pages.

Alphabetical Order List of English Titles of Cases in Dogen's 300 Koans Collection. DSMS, May 30, 2023, PDF, 11 pages.

Cases in Numerical Order of English Titles in Dogen's 300 Koans Collection. 
DSMS, May 30, 2023, PDF, 11 pages.

Alphabetical Order List of the Teachers in 
Dogen's 300 Koans Collection.
DSMS, May 30, 2023, PDF, 11 pages.

Subject Index to 1,001 Zen Buddhist Koans



Subject Index to 1,001 Zen Buddhist Koans

Sparks: Brief Spiritual Lessons and Stories

Matches to Start a Kindling of Insight.
May the Light from Our Inner Fireplace Help All Beings.
Taoist, Chan Buddhist, Zen Buddhist, Philosophers.
Catching Phrases, Inspiring Verses, Koans, Meditations.
Indexing, Bibliography, Quotations, Notes, Resources.
Koans Database Project.
Research by Michael P. Garofalo

The Fireplace Records
By Michael P. Garofalo

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