There are many movements in a posture sequence called Single Whip in the Yang or Chen Styles of Taijiquan. A short Yang Style Form has 24 postures (movements, forms, action sequences), and short Chen Style Form has 18 postures.
"Fu Zhongwen uses a number of terms that require additional explanation. One of these is the term for what is typically called the ending postures of the forms, that is, the terminus point of a given posture such as White Crane Displays Wings. The term that Fu Zhongwen uses for these ending postures is dingdian, or "fixed points." In Taijiquan, however, these "fixed points" are not really fixed, and "ending postures" are not really the end of anything. Fu Zhongwen therefore advises the reader that " as each movement reaches a fixed point (dingdian), one must accomplish what is called "seems to stop, does not stop." The dingdian, then must be understood to be both the culmination of one sequence as well as the beginning of the next."
- Mastering Yang Style Taijiquan
The dingdian is an experienced physical posture, a temporary fixed form, a still photograph, a line drawing, a mental picture, an icon, a temporary fixed point in a flow of movements, a name for a fixed point somewhere in or near the end of a particular numbered posture sequence in a taijiquan form. Here is Yang Cheng Fu's version of the dingdian for Single Whip Left:
Looks like Virabadrasana II in Hatha Yoga. Just hold the above posture, don't move, settle, endure, tough it out. Hold for one minute, then shift to right leg forward lunge in Single Whip Right for one more minute. Hold for longer periods for increased intensity.
Yang Taijiquan Quotes and Notes
Yang Style Standard 24 Form Taijiquan
Yang Family Style Taijiquan Long 108 Form
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