Cloud Hands is a common movement sequence in Tai Chi Chuan.
It is called "Yun Shou."
Your arms move in soft flowing motions from side to side across the body. One hand is higher than the other. The feet move gracefully and deliberately, mostly to the left. The patterns repeat three or four times.
Some of these same movements are executed in more forceful and much faster kung fu styles as back fists, blocks, elbow strikes, slaps, diversions, grabs, joint locks, bagua spins, etc.
Just as there are slow quiet songs, there are fast loud songs. Both are music.
Whole books, articles, and videotaped lectures and demonstrations about Moving Hands Like Clouds or Cloud Hands are available for further study on the subject.
Delightfully, Cloud Hands can be practiced while you are seated. It gently stretches the waist, shoulders, back, and neck. It is simple and fun to play in this way.
Cloud Hands is practiced in Taijiquan with ease, softness, grace, fluidity, balance, and quietness. Being gentle is praised. We try to settle into being relaxed (Sung).
Tai Chi Chuan - Cloud Hands Website by Michael P. Garofalo