I am now back working for the Corning Union Elementary School District. I work 3 days each week as the
Technology and Media Services Supervisor. I enjoy helping students, teachers, and support staff in our five schools. I manage school library services and supervise the staff working at our five school libraries, am an active member of the textbook and consumables curriculum materials management team, maintain websites, and have written and did budget management for many grants that have brought in $4,500,000.00 for our schools. The work seems a worthwhile contribution to our communities.
School begins on Wednesday for our 2,200 students at six schools.
I hope to remain employed for 4 more years and retire at the age of 72. My home and car will be paid for in 3 years.
I now have somewhat less time for reading, mind-body practices, writing, gardening, etc. My blog posts will decrease in size somewhat.
Lately, I've been reading
Zen Buddhist literature, mostly by the Japanese Zen Master Hakuin, and the
Prajnaparamita Sutra. I first read Zen literature when I was 14 years of age. I am
not a "religious believer." However, I do enjoy Zen influenced poety, art, gardening, dialectics, practices, and literature. The charming twisted, clever, and humorous manners of Zen Masters makes me smile, lifts my spirits, and sometimes even sends a thunderbolt of
kensho through my dancing mind.
Essays in Zen Buddhism:
Third Series
By D. T. Suzuki, 1870-1966.
Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki.
Foreword by Christmas Humphreys. York Beach, Maine, Samuel Weiser, Inc.,
1953, 1985. Index, 396 pages. ISBN: 0877280762. VSCL.
Essays on Chinese Zen, Bodhisattva ideal, and a commentary on the the Prajnaparamita
Mother of the Buddhas: Meditation on the Prajnaparamita Sutra
Translation by Les Hixon. Foreword by Robert A. F. Thurman. Wheaton,
Illinois, Quest Books, 1993. Index, 265 pages. ISBN:
0835606899. VSCL.
The Zen Doctrine of No Mind: The Significance of the Sutra of Hui-Neng
By D. T. Suzuki. Edited by Christmas Humphreys. Boston, Weiser
Books, 1969, 1972. Index, 160 pages. ISBN: 0877281823. VSCL.
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