Friday, January 29, 2021

Daodejing Chapter 28 Commentary by Bo Chen

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 28

The following commentary was sent to me by Bo Chen,, on 1/24/2021.

"《道德经》  第二十八章    


Reading with Chinese pronunciation:


zhī qí xióng,shǒu qí cí,wèi tiān xià xī。

wèi tiān xià xī,cháng dé bù lí。cháng dé bù lí,fù guī yú yīng ér。

zhī qí bái,shǒu qí hēi,wèi tiān xià shì。

wèi tiān xià shì,cháng dé bù tè。cháng dé bù tè,fù guī yú wú jí。

zhī qí róng,shǒu qí rǔ,wèi tiān xià gǔ。

wèi tiān xià gǔ, cháng dé nǎi zú,fù guī yú pǔ。

pǔ sàn zé wèi qì,shèng rén yòng zhī,zé wèi guān zhǎng,gù dà zhì bù gē。

Chinese original text:




Chinese Translation:






















English translation

Tao Te Ching    Chapter 28 


Aware of the advantage of great power and strong strength

Retain this competitiveness but act with weakness and modesty

The feeling for humble behavior just like peaceful stream

More and more gentle finally approach to infant’s breath

Aware of the benefit of obvious persuasion and clear justice

Maintain the kindness but tolerate other’s mistakes and selfishness

The mind for tolerant treatment just like patterns all over the country

More and more tolerant finally return to a limitless boundary

Aware of the glory of privileged position and prominent reputation

Keep the admirable honor but respect the lowest class of citizens equally

The morality for respect just like deep and profound valley

More and more modesty finally go back to a simple and unadorned origin

Saint inherits above principles and act as the model for all the people

The guidelines seem broad and abstract with no clear logic restrictions

But once think deeply and grasp the essence of life philosophy

Nothing will be omissive and practical effects will be incredibly perfect.


Comments and interpretation about Chapter 28


Chapter 28 mainly emphasizes how people should properly make the responses for the traditional values about external indicators, such as keep modesty, gentle and tolerance, because these principals will bring harmonious and wonderful relationships, and harmony is one important guideline to seek for Taoism.  The writer Lao Tzu clearly understood how people easily be induced to show their strength, square accounts in every detail, enjoy superficial fame.  Of course, these actions will make contradictions and will be far away from the Tao, so Lao Tzu reminds people don’t be to pragmatic and materialistic too much, and pay attention to Taoism and ideal life philosophy.  This is an interesting topic, you get more from life and don’t dedicate, you will be rich but your life will lack of spiritual and real life value, and if you tend to serve the society and provide the assistance for others, you will be happy and excited, of course, maybe you will not to take care of wealth and reputation.  Please keep the balance between materialism and spiritualism to achieve the ideal situation, and this is wonderful life style approach to Taoism.  In text of Chapter 28, Lao Tzu lists three comparisons to illustrate, we can deduce various other relative concepts should also be the same principal as above.  Lao Tzu only provide one method to seek for Taoism, not absolute detailed answer, this is a relativity theory. So every person has different judgments and understanding, this is why Tao Te Ching is profound and magical for most people."

The above commentary was sent to me by Bo Chen,, on 1/24/2021.


A typical webpage created by Mike Garofalo for each one of the 81 Chapters (Verses, Sections) of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi) includes over 25 different English language translations or interpolations for that Chapter, 5 Spanish language translations for that Chapter, the Chinese characters for that Chapter, the Wade-Giles and Hanyu Pinyin transliterations (Romanization) of the Mandarin Chinese words for that Chapter, and 2 German and 1 French translation of that Chapter.  Each webpage for each one of the 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching includes extensive indexing by key words, phrases, and terms for that Chapter in English, Spanish, and the Wade-Giles Romanization.  Each webpage on a Chapter of the Daodejing includes recommended reading in books and websites, a detailed bibliography, some commentary, research leads, translation sources, a Google Translate drop down menu, and other resources for that Chapter.   

Chapter 28, Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

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