Thursday, September 12, 2024

Laptop Computer Setup

Today, I began working on setting up my new Lenovo IdeaPad 1 Windows laptop microcomputer:

Lenovo IdeaPad 1 Laptop, 15.6” FHD Display, AMD Ryzen 5 5500U, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Windows 11 Home, 720p Camera w/Privacy Shutter, Smart Noise Cancelling, Cloud Grey, $331.00 from Amazon on 9/11/2024. Supposedly, it runs Windows 11 Home quite well, has decent battery life, is sturdy and light in weight, and has a better sound system.

I will set up the Lenovo laptop for full featured use of the Internet (Chrome and Bing, My Homepage), Facebook, Blog, Amazon, Kindle, Atlantis, Website Links ...

Also, and most important, I want to use the new Lenovo laptop for music recording, music editing, DAW (Digital Audio Workshops: FLStudio, Ableton), Band in a Box Software, percussion software, MIDI keyboard connectivity, home music studio hardware and software, music composing, sound mixing, musical theory research, voice alteration Humanoid, ...

In September, 2024, I stopped using my old refurbished HP Elitebook 8470P laptop which I purchased for $250 in January, 2022,, except for photography work. I stopped using my old Galaxy 1 Tablet A in September 2024, except for music playing. Both older units are slow, have battery problems, do not work properly sometimes, have old hardware/software, etc. I'm removing some files from both, deleting some programs, and cleaning them up.

Musical Practice and Developmental Pointers

Suggestions Harvested by Michael P. Garofalo

Tips from a Beginning Harmonica Player

Harmonica Studies: A Beginner's Notes, Research, Resources, and Comments.

September 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Bounty of Autumn

"In September, as summer fades and we turn to embrace autumn's great bounty and gifts, we enjoy a renewed perspective of the seasons of life. We are motivated to make time to identify and explore what lies at our life's center, and our resulting awareness brings opportunities to investigate new pathways to a better life.  Opening to guidance and wisdom in a variety of ways affords us greater access to the infinite power of love and gratitude.  In September, we reenter our daily lives from a renewed place and move forward into full engagement. We are able to see more clearly our blessings and our learning, and we experience the gratitude that naturally results.  And we seek opportunities to bring our lives into congruence with the new perspectives we have gained."
-  Angeles Arriens, Living in Gratitude 

"Be Grateful.  Choose positive thoughts and feelings.  Use positive words.  Acknowledge others.  Appreciate yourself."
-  Mike Robbins  

September: Quotes, Poems, Sayings

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Equal Dark and Equal Light

We Druid/Taoists prepare for the upcoming Autumnal Equinox celebration, also called Mabon, Autumn Moon Festival, Alban Elfed, Harvest Home Festival, Apple Feast, etc.   

The Moon Festival, Zhong Qiu Jie, a very popular Chinese autumn festival, is held when there is a full moon at this time of the year.   

"Equal dark, equal light
Flow in Circle, deep insight
Blessed Be, Blessed Be
The transformation of energy!
So it flows, out it goes
Three-fold back it shall be
Blessed Be, Blessed Be
The transformation of energy!"
-   Night An'Fey, Transformation of Energy

"The last of Summer is Delight --
Deterred by Retrospect.
'Tis Ecstasy's revealed Review --
Enchantment's Syndicate.

To meet it -- nameless as it is --
Without celestial Mail --
Audacious as without a Knock
To walk within the Veil."
-   Emily Dickinson, The Last of Summer is Delight 
September: Quotes, Poems, Lore

"Great Goddess, Mistress of cats,
Lady of love, beautiful Vana-Goddess,
Fulfill my greatest needs, O glorious one.
Teach me the magic I need.
Give me a glimpse of your deep wisdom.
Teach me in dreams. Enrich my life.
O Lady, you are Golden-Tears of Asgard
Lady of love, beautiful Vana-Goddess,
You are the Shape-shifter, the Sayer,
The Independent One.
Give me the strength and the magic I need."
Prayers to Freyja   

General Preparations for Mabon 

We gather dry corn stalks and make background arrangements and corn dollys; collect, dry and display all kinds of gourds and squash; we cut long grape vines and tie into circular forms for wheel symbols; we cut fire wood for a outdoor pre-dawn campfire in our sacred circle garden; we do reading in literature relevant to the Mabon seasonal theme; we make special meals with the vegetables and fruits of the season; we make moon cakes with rice.  We tend to do pre-dawn fireplace celebrations in the summer because it is too hot in the evening. 

Monday, September 09, 2024

Autumn Equinox Celebration Preparations: Mabon

Repost from 2008:

We Druid/Taoists prepare for the upcoming Autumnal Equinox celebration, also called Mabon, Autumn Moon Festival, Alban Elfed, Harvest Home Festival, Apple Feast, etc.

“Mabon, or Autumn Equinox, is named for the Welsh God of the Harvest, Mabon ap Modron (“divine son of the divine mother).  As told in the Mabinogion, Mabon was stolen from his mother three nights after his birth, and swelt in Annwfn (the Underworld) until he was rescued by Culhwch.  Because of his time in the Underworld, Mabon stayed a young man forever, and was equated with the Roman Apollo.  He is the Green Man whose blood is an intoxicating beverage; Dionysos (wine), Osiris (beer), and John Barleycorn (whiskey).  The bay tree is sacred to Mabon as its magickal action is preservation, a time-honored harvest occupation.  Also known as the Harvest Home, Kirn Feast, Mell Day, Ingathering, and Harvest’s Height, this festival commemorates the ritual sacrifice of the God and his descent into the Underworld, and the brewer’s art that produces the sacrament of this season.  In California Wine Country, where we live, it is the festival of the Grape Harvest.  Whiskey, the spirit of the barley, is also readily consumed during this festival.”
-  Oberon and Morning Glory Zell-Ravencraft, Creating Circles and Ceremonies, p. 227

“Your altar is a great place for fruits, such as squash and apples set in an old wooden bowl.  You will also want to add pomegranate, in association with Peresphone.  Decorate your altar with orange, brown and yellow altar cloths and candles.  Arrange colorful autumn leaves and small gourds, nuts, dried corn, seed, acorns, pine cones, etc.  You also might want to add a bowl of water, since autumn is associated with water, emotion, and relationships.”
-  Oberon and Morning Glory Zell-Ravencraft, Creating Circles and Ceremonies, p. 228

Ask yourself these questions in the month of September:
What is your personal harvest from self-improvement resolutions planted last spring?
In what specific and creative ways can you honor the productivity of Mother Earth? 
What is something new that you produced in the last six months?
How can you best celebrate your productive efforts during the year?
How have others helped you to be more creative?
How can you best celebrate the autumnal equinox holiday? 

September: Poems and Quotes

Autumn Equinox, Mabon, Harvest Festival, NeoPagan High Day


The Moon Festival, Zhong Qiu Jie, a very popular Chinese autumn festival, occurs when the moon is full in September. 

"Equal dark, equal light
Flow in Circle, deep insight
Blessed Be, Blessed Be
The transformation of energy!
So it flows, out it goes
Three-fold back it shall be
Blessed Be, Blessed Be
The transformation of energy!"
-   Night An'Fey, Transformation of Energy

"The last of Summer is Delight --
Deterred by Retrospect.
'Tis Ecstasy's revealed Review --
Enchantment's Syndicate.

To meet it -- nameless as it is --
Without celestial Mail --
Audacious as without a Knock
To walk within the Veil."
-   Emily Dickinson, The Last of Summer is Delight 
September: Quotes, Poems, Lore

"Great Goddess, Mistress of cats,
Lady of love, beautiful Vana-Goddess,
Fulfill my greatest needs, O glorious one.
Teach me the magic I need.
Give me a glimpse of your deep wisdom.
Teach me in dreams. Enrich my life.
O Lady, you are Golden-Tears of Asgard
Lady of love, beautiful Vana-Goddess,
You are the Shape-shifter, the Sayer,
The Independent One.
Give me the strength and the magic I need."
Prayers to Freyja   

General Preparations for Mabon 

We gather dry corn stalks and make background arrangements and corn dollys; collect, dry and display all kinds of gourds and squash; we cut long grape vines and tie into circular forms for wheel symbols; we cut fire wood for a outdoor pre-dawn campfire in our sacred circle garden; we do reading in literature relevant to the Mabon seasonal theme; we make special meals with the vegetables and fruits of the season; we make moon cakes with rice.  We tend to do pre-dawn fireplace celebrations in the summer because it is too hot in the evening. 

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 2

Dao De Jing, Laozi   
Chapter 2

"When the world speaks of beauty as being beautiful, ugliness is at once defined.
When goodness is seen to be good, evil is at once apparent.
So do existence and non-existence mutually give rise to one another,
As that which is difficult and that which is easy, distant and near, high and low,
shrill and bass, preceding and following.
The Sage therefore is occupied only with that which is without prejudice.
He teaches without verbosity; he acts without effort; he produces with possessing,
he acts without regard to the fruit of action; he brings his work to perfection without assuming credit;
and claiming nothing as his own, he cannot at any time be said to lose."
-  Translated by Walter Gorn Old, 1904, Chapter 2  

"When all the people of the world know beauty as beauty,
There arises the recognition of ugliness.
When they all know the good as good,
There arises the recognition of evil.
Therefore: Being and non-being produce each other;
Difficult and easy complete each other;
Long and short contrast each other;
High and low distinguish each other;
Sound and voice harmonize each other;
Front and behind accompany each other.
Therefore the sage manages affairs without action
And spreads doctrines without words.
All things arise, and he does not turn away from them.
He produces them but does not take possession of them.
He acts but does not rely on his own ability.
He accomplishes his task but does not claim credit for it.
It is precisely because he does not claim credit that his accomplishment remains with him."
-  Translated by Wang Tsit Chan, 1963, Chapter 2 

"Recognize beauty and ugliness is born.
Recognize good and evil is born.
Is and Isn't produce each other.
Hard depends on easy,
Long is tested by short,
High is determined by low,
Sound is harmonized by voice,
After is followed by before.
Therefore the sage is devoted to non action,
Moves without teaching,
Creates ten thousand things without instruction,
Lives but does not own,
Acts but does not presume,
Accomplishes without taking credit.
When no credit is taken,
Accomplishment endures."
-  Translated by Stephen Addis, 1993, Chapter 2   

"When all in the world understand beauty to be beautiful, then ugliness exists.
When all understand goodness to be good, then evil exists.
Thus existence suggests non-existence;
Easy gives rise to difficult;
Short is derived from long by comparsion;
Low is derived from high by position;
Resonance harmonises sound;
After follows before.
Therefore the sage carries on his business without action, and gives his teaching without words."
-  Translated by Ch'u Ta-Kao, 1904, Chapter 2 

"It is the world of man that defines ugly by comparing it with that which man calls beautiful.
Skillful is considered such by comparison to that which is called 'without skill'.
Alive and non-alive are delineated by nature.
Difficult and easy are abstracted by our perception.
Long and short are defined by the one against the other.
High and low are reckoned so by the contrast of the one with the other.
Music is seen as pleasing if the notes and tones are recognized as being harmonious with each other.
One in front, and one behind are recognized as one following the other.
It is for this reason that the sage lives in the condition of wu-wei (unattached action, or; doing-not doing),
And teaches without words.
He knows that names and images are fleeting, and all things will transform.
One who seems to follow tonight might lead another time.
He sees all that is done as neither large nor small.
All things are neither grand nor miniscule.
Actions are neither difficult, nor done with ease. He acts without expectation.
Things spring up around him, and he accepts them, but does not possess them.
Things go away, and he recognizes their departure without grief or joy.
When the work is done he leaves it be.
Because he does not dwell in it, it will last."
-  Translated by Rivenrock, Chapter 2  

"Beauty becomes recognized as beauty,
As its difference from ugliness is seen.
Goodness and love become recognized,
As their difference from evil and hatred is felt.

The Relationship of:
- Being and non-being is known through life and growth.
- Difficult and easy is known through achievement and completion.
- Long and short is known through form and contrast.
- High and low is known through relationship and position.
- Sound and voice is known through amplitude and harmony.
- Front and behind is known through position and sequence.

Wu-Wei graces the affairs of the Sage -
Teaching gracefully, Without words.
Receiving all happening as natural,
Without needing to judge or control.
Giving life and animation to all experience
Without needing to dominate.
Accomplishing, Without expecting reward.

In never assuming importance,
When the Sage's work is complete,
It remains, everlastingly."
-  Translated by Alan B. Taplow, 1982, Chapter 2  

天下皆知美之為美, 斯惡已.
皆知善之為善, 斯不善已.
-  Chinese characters, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 2 

t'ien hsia chieh chih mei chih wei mei, ssu wu yi.
chieh chih shan chih wei shan, ssu pu shan yi.
ku yu wu hsiang shêng.
nan yi hsiang ch'êng.
ch'ang tuan hsiang chiao.
kao hsia hsiang ch'ing.
yin shêng hsiang ho.
ch'ien hou hsiang sui.
shih yi shêng jen ch'u wu wei chih shih.
hsing pu yen chih chiao.
wan wu tso yen erh pu tz'u.
shêng erh pu yu.
wei erh pu shih.
kung ch'eng erh fu chü.
fu wei fu ch'u.
shih yi pu ch'ü
-  Wade-Giles Romanization, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 2 

"When everyone knows what beauty is,
There must also be ugliness.
When everybody knows what goodness is,
Then evil must also exist.
Therefore, the haves and the have-nots coexist.
Easy and hard become complementary.
Long and short differ in length.
High and low contrast in height.
Tone and pitch harmonise with each other.
The past is followed by the present.
Hence, the sage manages his affairs with non-action,
Teaches without utterance,
And lets everything develop without any interference.
Dao procreates but does not possess.
It facilitates development but does not gloat.
When it accomplishes his task, it does not claim credit.
As the sage does not claim credit for his success,
The credit cannot be taken away from him."
-  Translated by Han Hiong Tan, Chapter 2  

"Cuando se reconoce la Belleza en el Mundo
Se aprende lo que es la Fealdad;
Cuando se reconoce la Bondad en el Mundo
Se aprende lo que es la Maldad.

De este modo:
Vida y muerte son abstracciones del crecimiento;
Dificultad y facilidad son abstracciones del progreso;
Cerca y lejos son abstracciones de la posición;
Fuerza y debilidad son abstracciones del control;
Música y habla son abstracciones de la armonía;
Antes y después son abstracciones de la secuencia.

El sabio controla sin autoridad,
Y enseña sin palabras;
Él deja que todas las cosas asciendan y caigan,
Nutre, pero no interfiere,
Dá sin pedirle,
Y está satisfecho."
-  Translated by Antonio Rivas Gonzálvez, 2004, Capítulo 2

"The whole world knows: when beauty tries to be beautiful it changes into ugliness by that very fact.
The whole world knows: when kindness tries to appear kind it changes into unkindness by that very fact.
So close are Being and Non-Being that one arises from the other.
So suddenly easy becomes difficult short becomes long high becomes low loud becomes soundless the first becomes the last.
That is why the Sage strives to act without action to teach without speaking.
He lets things happen and does not try to stay them.
He labors and is not greedy.
He acts and does not demand anything.
He receives and does not retain anything."
-  Translated by K.O. Schmidt, 1975, Chapter 2  

"Because the world recognized beauty as beauty, ugliness is known to be ugly.
Everyone knows goodness to be goodness, and to know this is to know what is not good.
Similarly, existence implies non-existence;
The hard and the easy complement each other; We recognize what is long by comparison with what is short;
High by comparison with low;
The shrill by comparison with the sonorous.
Before and after, earlier and later, back and front -
All these complement one another.
Therefore the Sage, the self-controlled man, dwells in action-less activity, poised between contraries.
He teaches without employing words.
He beholds al things that have been made - he does not turn his back on them.
He achieves, but does not claim merit;
He does not call attention to what he does, not claim success.
Regarding nothing as his own, he loses nothing that is his."
-  Translated by Herman Ould, 1946, Chapter 2 

"When people see things as beautiful,
ugliness is created.
When people see things as good,
evil is created.

Being and non-being produce each other.
Difficult and easy complement each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low oppose each other.
Fore and aft follow each other.

Therefore the Master
can act without doing anything
and teach without saying a word.
Things come her way and she does not stop them;
things leave and she lets them go.
She has without possessing,
and acts without any expectations.
When her work is done, she take no credit.
hat is why it will last forever."
-  Translated by John H. McDonald, 1996, Chapter 2   

A typical webpage created by Mike Garofalo for each one of the 81 Chapters (Verses, Sections) of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi) includes 25 different English language translations or interpolations for that Chapter, 5 Spanish language translations for that Chapter, the Chinese characters for that Chapter, the Wade-Giles and Hanyu Pinyin transliterations (Romanization) of the Mandarin Chinese words for that Chapter, and 2 German and 1 French translation of that Chapter.  Each webpage for each one of the 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching includes extensive indexing by key words, phrases, and terms for that Chapter in English, Spanish, and the Wade-Giles Romanization.  Each webpage on a Chapter of the Daodejing includes recommended reading in books and websites, a detailed bibliography, some commentary, research leads, translation sources, a Google Translate drop down menu, and other resources for that Chapter.  These are hypertext documents, and available online under Creative Commons 4.


Chapter 2, Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu.  Compiled and indexed by Mike Garofalo.  

Chapter and Thematic Index (Concordance) to the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

English Language Daodejing Translators' Source Index

Spanish Language Daodejing Translators' Source Index

Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices

Taoism: A Selected Reading List



Saturday, September 07, 2024

What Transcends Lao Tzu?

The Fireplace Records, Chapter 2

What Transcends Lao Tzu?

Ju-ching and Chang San Feng were hoeing and weeding their garden one cool Spring day around noon. Ju-ching asked: "What transcends Lao Tzu, Confucius, or the Buddhas?" Chang answered: "Here, have a bite of my cold rice." Ju-ching responded: "But, you have not answered my question." Chang replied: "Your quest for knowing is quite admirable, Ju-ching. However, sometimes your thirst for mental matters cannot be satisfied. Here, enjoy a cup of cold water." Ju-ching said: "You think that cold water transcends Lao Tzu?" Chang replied: "Yes, or hot tea. The ordinary is the best scaffolding for transcending. The fruits emerge from trees with strong roots. Find the spring that unceasingly flows to nourish your growing garden." Ju-ching was a little startled and said: " Oh! Ah!" and he became enlightened - for an hour.


Enlightenment comes and goes;
Just don't fret your mind or body.
Fathom your being startled,
Revel in your wonder;
And remain steady on the scaffold,
or you will fall into errors. 
Be Patient! 
A callused palm and dirty fingernails precede a Green Thumb.
Only from the Ground of Somethings,
Can Lao Tzu's true words flourish.  

Comments, Sources

Chang San Feng is regarded as a Immortal; a enlightened man who has lived far over 888 years. He appears and disappears at will at different places around the world, and in different eras. He can incarnate as speaking animals and plants. He is regarded as a shaman, fang-shi, wizard, Taoist master, philosopher, fortune teller, mystic, Taijiquan and Internal Alchemy master, wise elder archetype, popular gift giver, odd dresser, and among the revered patriarchs. I have met with Master Chang San Feng many times.

Master Ju-ching (Rujing) was the Chan Buddhist teacher in China of Eihei Dogen from 1230-1235 CE. 

Refer to the Blue Cliff Record (Hekiganroku), Case 77.

Refer to my Cloud Hands Blog Posts on the topic of Koans. 

The Daodejing by Laozi

Pulling Onions Over 1,043 One-line Sayings by Mike Garofalo

Chinese Buddhist and Taoist Stories and Koans 

Refer to Fireplaces, Stoves, Hearths, Campfires

The Fireplace Records Compiled with Commentary by Michael P. Garofalo

Friday, September 06, 2024

Cheng Man-ch'ing's Tai Chi Chuan

Yang Taijiquan 37 Form of Master Cheng Man-ch’ing in 1940

1.  Preparation: Standing, Step

2.  Beginning: Raise Hands, Lower Hands
3.  Ward Off Left
4.  Grasping the Sparrow’s Tail: Ward Off L/R, Roll Back, Press, Push
5.  Single Whip
6.  Raise Hands
7.  Shoulder Strike
8.  White Crane Spreads Its Wings
9.  Brush Left Knee, Twist Step 
10.  Play the Lute
11.  Brush Left Knee, Twist Step
12.  Step Forward, Deflect, Parry, Punch
13.  Apparently Sealing, Seemingly Closing, Apparent Close, Push
14.  Cross Hands, Embrace Tiger
15.  Return to Mountain Brush Knee, Grasping Sparrow’s Tail, Single Whip
16.  Rely on Fist Under Elbow
17.  Step Back, Retreat, Repulsing Monkey 3X  
18.  Diagonal Slant Flying
19.  Cloud Hands 4X, Single Whip
20.  Snake Creeps Down  
21.  Golden Rooster Stands on Both Legs 2X
22.  Kick with Right Foot
23.  Kick with Left Foot
24.  Turn, Kick with Left Heel
25.  Brush Knees 3X, Punch Down
26.  Grasping the Sparrow’s Tail, Single Whip
27.  Fair Lady Works the Shuttles 4X
28.  Grasping the Sparrow’s Tail, Single Whip 
29.  Snake Creeps Down Left Leg
30.  Seven Stars of the Big Dipper Step Forward 
31.  Step Back, Ride the Tiger
32.  Rotate and Turn Body, Sweeping Right Leg Lotus Kick
33.  Bend the Bow, Shoot the Tiger  
34.  Step Forward, Deflect Block, Intercept and Punch
35.  Apparent Close, Withdraw and Push 
36.  Cross Hands, Horse Stance
37.  Conclusion: Feet Together, Hands Down, Standing

List of the 37 Movements, 1 page, PDF format, 4/15/2016

Cheng Man-ch'ing (1902-1975): Tai Chi Chuan Master

Bibliography, Links, Quotes, Resources, Reflections, Notes.
A hypertext notebook by Michael P. Garofalo.

Bibliography, Links, Quotes, Notes, Instructions. By Mike Garofalo.

Cheng Man-ch'ing on UTube

There is a very good article 
by Master Wasentha Young titled "Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing's Design of the Yang Style Short Form."  It is located in the recent Qi Magazine: Journal of Traditional Eastern Health and Fitness (Volume 27, Number 4, 2017, pp. 30-37.)  Her instruction on pacing energetic flow levels at subsequences of dingdian, parts of the 37 form, were valuable.  

Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing was also known affectionately by one of his many nicknames -  "Whisker's Man."  Lots of pictures of him smiling - I like that.  

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Can You Grasp Emptiness?

The Fireplace Records, Chapter 1

Can You Grasp Emptiness?

One drizzling cold afternoon, Shih-kung and Hsi-tang stopped along the steep trail up to the Temple on Mount Wudang.  They rested while quietly sitting.  Shih-kung picked up a small rock and tossed in down the hill. A short while later, Shih-kung asked Hsi-tang: "Can you grasp emptiness?" Hsing-tang replied: "Yes, I think I can."  Shih-kung continued: "How would you grasp emptiness?"  Using his hand, Hsi-tang then grasped at empty space.  Shih-kung replied: "You are 70% correct, and 30% uncertain." "Then how do you do it?" asked Hsi-tang.  Shih-kung then grasped Hsi-tang's ear and pulled it. Hsi-tang exclaimed "Ouch, your hurting my ear!"  Shih-tang said "You can grasp and hear emptiness only in this way."  Hsi-tang gently rubbed is ear, laughed, and told Shih-kung, "You are a clever devil, Shih-kung, and your diligent practice on your zither has improved your music." 

Hsi-tang then picked up a small rock and tossed it down the canyon.  

Both listened.  Both smiled.

Capping Verse

Opening bell
echoes from the canyon walls 

raindrops on the river.

The sounds of rocks bouncing off rocks;
the shadows of trees traced on trees.

We sit quietly, still.
The canyon river chants,
moving mountains.

The sermon spun on the still point:
dropping off eternity, picking up time;
letting go of self, awakened to Mind.

Can You Grasp Emptiness?  A Dialogue.
By Michael P. Garofalo

- For a insightful discussion of Eihei Dogen's (1250-1253 CE) views on Buddha-Mind, expressions and actions, existence, emptiness, the total exertion of a single thing, thusness, and time read Chapter 4 of "Eihei Dogen: Mystical Realist," by Hee-Jin Kim, 2004.

Another version of the Shih-kung and Hsi-tang dialogue is found on p.134 of Hee-Jin Kim's fine book.

Spiritual Stories and Dialogues

Zen Poetry

Refer to Fireplaces, Stoves, Hearths, Campfires

"There is no such thing as an empty space or an empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear. In fact, try as we may to make a silence, we cannot." - John Cage

The Fireplace Records Compiled with Commentary by Michael P. Garofalo

A Sidewalk Poem by Esther M. Sternberg, M.D. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Subject Indexes to The Sound of One Hand 148 Koans Collection

 The Sound Of One Hand (SOH)

The Sound of One Hand: 281 Zen Koans with Answers. Translation, research and commentary by Joel Hoffmann. Introduction by Dror Burstein. NRYB, 2016, 304 pages. VSCL, Paperback.

There are 144 koan cases, starting on page 75. The full text for each case is followed by possible acceptable answers or responses to the koan. The first 74 pages are very brief questions and answers regarding 137 other cases, without the full text for each case. Therefore, the total cases discussed are 281 koan cases. I have indexed only 148 Cases.

Indexed by Michael P. Garofalo.

Subject Index to the Sound of One Hand 148 Koans. PDF, 10/26/2023, 30 pages.

Case Number List to the Sound of One Hand 148 Koans. PDF, 10/26/2023, 6 pages.

Case Title List to the Sound of One Hand 148 Koans. PDF, 10/26/2023, 6 pages.

Subject Index to 1,975 Zen Buddhist Koans
Indexing and webpage by Michael P. Garofalo.
578 pages, December 28, 2024, PDF

Buddhism: Bibliography, Links, Information, Resources
. Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo.

Taoism: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Information. Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo.


Monday, September 02, 2024

Harmonica: Tips for Beginners

Musical Practice and Developmental Pointers

Suggestions Harvested by Michael P. Garofalo

Tips from a Beginning Harmonica Player

Harmonica Studies: A Beginner's Notes, Research, Resources, and Comments.

September 2024

Find models, teachers, experts, and masters to inspire you and motivate you.

Don't play it until you get it right, play it until you can't play it wrong.

Visualize your becoming better, achieving more, being a success in your playing.

If you can play it slow, you can play it fast.

Each day, work on something new, something challenging, something to make you reach.

Be better than you were yesterday.

Daily focused practice is better than once a week cramming jams.

Borrow or Steal the best techniques from the Best.

Practice, practice, PRACTICE, practice, practice, PRACTICE.

It takes three months to partially retrain and install new habits in our neuro-plastic brains.

Listen often to your favorite musicians.

The best time to start is today.

More time practicing with good timing/rhythm.

Listen, listen, listen, listen!

Impatience and rushing result in setbacks. 

Plan for and set Desired Goals and SMART objectives.

SMART Objectives: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Record your playing and listen to it.

Use a metronome or electronic keyboard to play rhythm patterns for practice. 

Buying more harmonicas seldom improves your playing ability.

Don't be so hard, negative, and critical about your slow progress.

Be kinder and gentler towards yourself.

Listen carefully, sing/verbalize tune, Listen, Repeat. 

Your brain and body can be retrained ... slowly.

Relax, loosen up, untighten, go smoothly with the flow. 

Little by little, day by day ... progress is made. 

If you hate playing and have no fun doing so ... then reevaluate your goals.

Get prompt feedback on your mistakes and faults in playing.

Progress is the most important product.

Listen, listen, listen, listen!

Keep dust, dirt, grime and food away from harmonicas. 

Use many sources of good information from books, articles, or videos.

Practice the way you want to perform.

Keep your harmonicas safe and don't expose them to excessive heat or cold. 

It takes a long time to sound like yourself.

Reading musical notation is very useful, expands your repertoire, and expands your mind.

Some good musicians play by ear and can't or don't read musical notation; but, maybe, not you.

Learning often involves reading; playing music often involves reading musical notation. 

The moment when you want to quit is the moment you need to keep pushing.

Don't practice when your very tired.

Blow with less force, less loudness, less intensity.

Proceed part-by-part, chunk by chunk, measure by measure when learning.

Keep working, one day it will happen!

The harder I work, the luckier I get.

Learning to play music is like learning a language. 

Challenge yourself little by little everyday!

There are right ways of learning, and wrong ways of learning.

Take more pleasure in your playing. Enjoy your efforts.

Listen, listen, listen, listen, LISTEN, listening.

Purchase good quality harmonicas.

Daily practice of mechanical skills without mistakes. 

Hard work beats talent when talent does not work hard.

Pick up, harvest, gather, borrow, and steal from the Best.

Practice the harmonica scales daily!

Play a harmonica, stop all smoking, and improve your lung function. 

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

First you have to want it; then the work begins.

Patience, steadfastness, and grit climbs the mountains of Learning.

Learn things slowly and accurately first, then gradually speed things up.

Practice only on the days that you eat.

After you make mistakes, then slow down.

Find different ways to stay motivated to play.

There’s no glory in practice, but without practice, there’s no glory.

That’s not hard, you just haven’t practiced it enough yet.

Practice as if you were performing.

A good teacher can take you to new levels in your progress.

Hum, sing, vocalize the melody and rhythm at the start of a song. 

Keep in Time, Keep in Time, Create the Beat, Flow on Time !!!! !!!! !!!!.

You are measured by what you give, not by what you have.

You practice and you get better. It’s very simple.

I am not telling you it’s going to be easy. I am telling you it’s going to be worth it.

Practice, practice, PRACTICE, practice, practice, PRACTICE.

Practice makes improvement. No one is perfect.

Make your plans to achieve your musical goals; then DO IT!

If you are not having fun playing your instrument, then change the way you are learning.

Practice does not make perfect, practice makes progress.

Practice does not make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect.

Kick difficulties in the ass, and push them away.

Play with other people to develop your confidence.

Over 10,000 hours of practice leads to the highest degree of mastery.

Try a 'Fifteen Minutes Four Times A Day' routine of practicing.

Give yourself three months to establish a new habit.

Cultivate, nourish, and grow your Dream Musical Goals!

Know when you need to study with a good teacher.

Practice, practice, PRACTICE, practice, practice, PRACTICE.

Playing is the Path to Progress.

Collecting harmonicas or stamps or shells are fun hobbies for some people.

Brush your teeth before you play. Play with a clean mouth.

Use accompaniment software like Band in a Box while you play.

Learning to play well is like learning a new language - it takes many months and years.

Use music you love to listen to and play along with it.

Drink only water while playing with a clean mouth. 

Reinforcement, repetition, and daily practice develop the brain in new ways.

Keep your harmonicas in cases to protect them.

Many harmonicas are purchased, but few are played because note playing is difficult.

It's OK to improvise on songs you know.

Improvising is just plain good fun.

Strengthen your breathing muscles by playing a harmonica. 

Slow down, relax your body, try, stop, stretch, rest, take a break, do pranayama, relax, take a nap, return to practice your music lesson. Pace yourself for productive learning and change.

Don't be afraid to explore, to reach, to challenge yourself.

Get a good harmonica - one good one is sufficient for beginners.

Play at the edges of the smooth road, off road, to test your limits and improve. 

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Subject Indexes to the Entangling Vines Koan Collection

 Entangling Vines 272 Koans Collection (ENT)

Entangling Vines: A Classic Collection of Zen Koans. Translated and annotated by Thomas Yūhō Kirchner. Foreword by Nelson Foster. Introduction by Ueda Shizuteru. Boston, Wisdom Publications, 2013. Index, bibliography, charts, 338 pages. ISBN: 9781614290773. A collection of 272 koans by Japanese Rinzai Zen masters and scholars called the Shūmon kattōshŭ (Entangling Vines) dating from 1689. Invaluable and unique biographies of the Teacher/Authors of all the Koans in the Entangling Vines Collection. Extensive and detailed index on pages 312-338. Bibliography on pp. 304-312. Charts of the names or Teacher/Persons using Pinyin Romanization of Mandarin Chinese, Wade-Giles Romanization of Mandarin Chinese, and Romanization of Japanese, and Chinese characters for all indexes. Informative notes by Thomas Kircher for the 272 Koans. VSCL, Kindle E-Book and Paperback. All references to pages in the indexed documents are from this book.

Subject Index to Cases in the Entangling Vines Koan Collection. Indexed by Michael P. Garofalo. First Draft, June 15, 2023, PDF, 58 pages.

Alphabetical List of Cases in the Entangling Vines Koan Collection. Indexed by Michael P. Garofalo. First Draft, June 15, 2023, PDF, 10 pages.

Case Number Order - Entangling Vines Koan Collection. Indexed by Michael P. Garofalo. First Draft, June 15, 2023, PDF, 10 pages.


Subject Index to 3,855 Lessons from Zen Buddhists, Solitary Taoists, and Stoics

Subject Index to 1,975 Zen Buddhist Koans

Buddhism: Bibliography, Links, Information, Resources. Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo.