Monday, October 21, 2024

So long, Bruno

 My dog, Bruno, and was a great pal for Karen and I.

During the first 3 years of his active life, Bruno lived at our home in Red Bluff, California. We lived on a five-acre parcel of land in the country.  Bruno ran everywhere on that property, dug holes, hunted gophers, ran through the fields, played with visitors, took walks with me, and lollygagged in our ponds on hot summer days. He was a well behaved dog, curious, and friendly with people.

We moved to the suburbs in Vancouver, Washington, in 1917. We live on a small lot with a nice back yard. Bruno mostly became an indoor house dog.  Bruno and I took walks together in our neighborhood. He was a good walker on a leash.

Bruno got along well with the Flinn dogs.

The aging Bruno

We hung out together on the back porch.

We played with his dog toys. We wrestled and hugged.  We sometimes slept together on the floor.

In the last three years, Bruno began to "talk" more with squeals, moans, grunts, puffs. He made us laugh.

He was trained to ring a bell by the back door when he need to go to the toilet outdoors. He always did so.

Our extended family all delighted in Bruno's company, and he was a polite guest at other's houses.

Bruno was steady, active, alert, intelligent, and a well behaved house dog in Vancouver.

We all age. We all get weaker. We all face poor health. We all die.

Bruno has been sick from cancer for the past three months. Bruno died today, October 18, 2024. 

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