Saturday, October 08, 2011

Benefits of Correct Breathing

"Breathing Out -
Touching the Root of Heaven,
One's heart opens;
The Dragon slips into the water..
Breathing In -
Standing on the Root of Earth,
One's heart is still and deep;
The Tiger's claw cannot be moved.

As you go on breathing in this frame of mind, with these associations, alternating between movement and stillness, it is important that the focus of your mind does not shift.  Let the true breath come and go, a subtle continuum on the brink of existence.  Tune the breathing until you get breath without breathing; become one with it, and then the spirit can be solidified and the elixir can be made."
Chang San-FengCommentary on Ancestor Lu's Hundred-Character Tablet
   Translated by Thomas Cleary, Vitality, Energy, Spirit:  A Taoist Sourcebook, 1991, p. 187.
    Poetic interpretation by Mike Garofalo of expository text of Chang San-Feng.  

"If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly."
-   Andrew Weil, M.D., 1999  
"Viruses and microbes live best in low oxygen environments.  They are anaerobic.  That means, raise the oxygen environment around them and they die."
-   Edward Mccabe
"Only those who know how to breathe will survive."
-   Pundit Acharya 
"While doing postures [yoga asanas], as a general rule keep the airway wide open, breathe only through the nose, and breathe smoothly, evenly and quietly."
-  H. David Coulter, Anatomy of Hatha Yoga, p. 18.  

Every Taijiquan, Qigong and Yoga routine includes instructions for specific breathing techniques for specific postures and movements.  


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