Thursday, December 29, 2011

Personal Health Issues

I have been going to the Mercy Hospital Wound Clinic for the last two months to try to heal a diabetic ulcer in my middle right toe.  From June to November, I was treated by a local podiatrist.

Yesterday, after reviewing X-Rays and reviewing my progress, my physicians believe the distal joint on that toe is infected and preventing wound healing.  Therefore, next week, Dr. Hawley, will surgically remove the tip of my middle toe and the infected bone.

I will need to change my exercise routine for January and do more upper body work and seated yoga.  Hopefully, by February, the surgical wound will have healed properly, and I can begin walking again without wearing an uncomfortable and clumsy orthopedic wedge shoe. 

I have been a Type 2 Diabetic for 14 years, without many incidents.  However, this chronic disease is bound to catch up with me in some way despite exercise, diet, and taking medicine.  Anyway, when you are 66 years of age, you have to face the facts of more health problems.


  1. Hopefully all goes well and you find your feet again, in the year of the dragon.

    Seasons greetings from Taiwan.

  2. Hermann,

    Thank you very much for the kind an positive feedback!

    "Find my Feet Again." Yes, yes, YES!!!

    Happy New Year!

