Sunday, December 04, 2011

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, Chapter 29

Dao De Jing, Laozi
Chapter 29

"If any one should wish to get the kingdom for himself, and to effect this by what he does, I see that he will not succeed.
The kingdom is a spirit-like thing, and cannot be got by active doing.
He who would so win it destroys it; he who would hold it in his grasp loses it.
The course and nature of things is such that
What was in front is now behind;
What warmed anon we freezing find.
Strength is of weakness oft the spoil;
The store in ruins mocks our toil.
Hence the sage puts away excessive effort, extravagance, and easy indulgence."
-   Translated by James Legge, 1891, Chapter 29 

"When one desires to take in hand the empire and make it, I see him not succeed.
The empire is a divine vessel which cannot be made.
One who makes it, mars it.
One who takes it, loses it.
And it is said of beings:
Some are obsequious, others move boldly,
Some breathe warmly, others coldly,
Some are strong and others weak,
Some rise proudly, others sneak.
Therefore the holy man abandons excess, he abandons extravagance, he abandons indulgence."
-   Translated by Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki and Paul Carus, 1913, Chapter 29 

Those who wish to change the world
According with their desire
Cannot succeed.

The world is shaped by the Way;
It cannot be shaped by the self.
Trying to change it, you damage it;
Trying to possess it, you lose it.

So some will lead, while others follow.
Some will be warm, others cold
Some will be strong, others weak.
Some will get where they are going
While others fall by the side of the road.

So the sage will be neither wasteful nor violent.
-  Translated by Peter Merel, Chapter 29 


Chapter 27   No Talents are Wasted, The Function of Skill, This is a Great Paradox, Dexterity in Using the Dao, Cultivating Perfection, A Good Walker Leaves no Tracks, Dexterity in Using the Dao,  巧用    

Chapter 28   Simplicity, Embrace Opposites, Be a Model, Returning to Simplicity,  反樸     

Chapter 29   Abandon Excess, Not Forcing Things, Variations, No Extravagance, Taking-Loosing, Immaterial Spirit, Taking No Action, Wu Wei -   

Chapter 30   Abandon Excess, Avoid Daring, Strike Only of Necessity, Be Wary of War, Maturity, Avoid Battle,  儉武   

Chapter 31   Create Don't Destroy, Avoid Weapons, Stop Wars, Delight Not in Warfare, Be Peaceful, Avoid Wars,  偃武        

Chapter 32   The Tao with No Name, The Virtue of Holiness, Valley Streams, Rivers that Run to the Sea,  聖德  


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