Saturday, August 22, 2020

Donald Trump's Needs More Water for His Hair


Mr. Trump was complaining in August 2020 about shower head and toilet water conservation measures.  President George Bush sensibly encouraged water conservation legislation back in 1992. 

People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once,” Trump told a meeting of small business leaders at the White House.  He groused about lower-flow shower-heads because "You turn on the shower — if you're like me, you can't wash your beautiful hair properly."  

This is another example of Mr. Trump’s ignorance of the serious water shortages in the West, his negative attacks on environment conservation and the EPA, and his pathetic vanity.  

Sounds to me like a spoiled rich man whining about some trivial inconvenience.  He does not want to cooperate with sensible water conservation measures needed in California, Nevada, and Arizona.  He thinks real life is just playing at his private golf course in Florida, where it rains a lot.   

Does Mr. Trump really know anyone who needs to flush their toilet 10 to 15 times?  We had low-flow toilets for 20 years in Red Bluff, CA - one flush was always enough.  

Probably, Mr. Trump is so full of CRAP that HE needs to flush his toilet 10 to 15 times! 

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