Thursday, February 23, 2023

Studying Classic Texts

The task and daily practice of studying classic philosophical, spiritual, or religious texts is called "Svadhyaya" by B.K.S. Iyengar and others from the Hindu, Pantanjali, Raja and Hatha Yoga texts, sources, and traditions.

It is the education of the self via the wisdom literature.  

"To make life healthy, happy and peaceful, it is essential to study regularly divine literature in a pure place. The study of the ancient books of the world will enable the sadhaka to concentrate upon and solve the difficult problems of life when they arise.  It will put an end to ignorance and bring knowledge.  Ignorance has no beginning, but it has an end.  There is a beginning but no end to knowledge. By svadhyaya the sadhaka understands the nature of his soul and gains communion with the divine.  The sacred books of the world are for all to read.  They are not meant for the members of one particular faith alone.  As bees savor the nectar in various flowers, so the sadhaka absorbs things in other faiths which will enable him to appreciate his own faith better."
- B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on Yoga, 1966, p. 39

Gonardiya or Gonikaputra
The Yoga Stura
Circa 200-400 CE

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