Thursday, April 26, 2012

Elegant Ebullience

Practicing Taijiquan and Yoga outdoors provides me with the opportunity to physically and mentally express grace, style, and elegance.  It also allows me to become more intimate with the complexity and beauty of the natural world.  The graceful elegance of the "grand ultimate" (Taiji) forms raises my spirits, causes Qi energy to bubble over, fills me with an elegant ebullience.  

"Beauty is excrescence, superabundance, random ebulience, and sheer delightful waste to be enjoyed in its own right."
-   Donald Culross Peattie, An Almanac for Moderns    

"The foundations of the world are to be found, not in the cognitive experience of conscious thought, but in the aesthetic experience of everyday life."
-   Alfted North Whitehead  

"Elegance means appreciating things as they are. There is a sense of delight and of fearlessness. You are not fearful of dark corners. If there are any dark, mysterious corners, black and confusing, you override them with your glory, your sense of beauty, your sense of cleanness, your feeling of being regal. Because you can override fearfulness in this way, tantra, or the highest stage in Tibetan Buddhist practice, is known as the king of all the stages on the path. You take an attitude of having perfectly complete and very rich basic sanity."
 -  Elegance, Ocean of Dharma, Shambhala Publications

"It is only necessary to behold the least fact or phenomenon, however familiar, from a point a hair's breadth aside from our habitual path or routine, to be overcome, enchanted by its beauty and significance ... To perceive freshly, with fresh senses is to be inspired."
-   Henry David Thoreau  



  1. A Chinese author I read recently referred to the manifestations of Beauty as Competence, Magnificence, Divine & Effortlessness.

    "May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face & the rain fall softly on your fields & may Beauty hold you in the palm of her hand." I've taken a liberty with the original Celtic blessing but I think it works :)

  2. 'May Beauty hold you in the palm of Her Hand.' I like that figurative version.

    There are many interesting discussions and definitions of 'Beauty.' I find the topic fascinating.

    1. You are quite correct & I neglected to use capital letters to impart proper meaning, my apologies.

  3. I love doing tai chi outside. There is something about being out in the natural world that makes experiencing tai chi so much richer. Thanks for this great reminder.

  4. We are now in the time of the year when outdoor activities (e.g., taijiquan, qigong, walking, gardening, reading, etc.) are more comfortable. I find the cold of winter unwelcoming. Springtime in Northern California is perfect for outdoor Taiji.
