Sunday, July 21, 2024

My Websites Are Offline

 I was working with my account at Network Solutions which handles my Internet websites registrations, and I messed up somewhere.  I can't get into my websites.  Will work on the problem on Monday morning. 

Originally, before I used Bluehost as my webserver, I had registered and purchased my URL's for and at Network Solutions back in 1998. No problems since 1998, until yesterday.

Costs run around $800 a year for all my Internet Publishing, while my website income has dwindled from $1,500 a year to under $400 a year.  I can afford to offer the webpages online to the world. And, will continue offer the webpages up to people until I die, and that is not too far away since I am 78 years old.

My advice to my readers is to DOWNLOAD and SAVE my specific webpages that you want to keep. If individual scholars or organizations want to copy and archive my webpages, they are free to do so.

I still get lots of positive feedback from readers around the world.

Recent Positive Feedback

"Thank you for you extensive HomePage, wise words and documentation of life wisdom. Truly inspirational."
- Christian Damguard, 3/3/2024

My Cloud Hands Blog has had 2,077, 666 Page Views since 2005.

My webpages have been viewed over 88,000,000 times since 1998.

"As I may have mentioned, I regularly consult your website on the Tao, as I am in the process of putting forth a new translation, with commentaries. … My current approach is completely different from the edition I put out some 20 years ago. I can’t say I’m embarrassed by my old translation, only that I no longer resonate with it. Again, that’s for your selfless service in putting together your page." - Jonathan Starr, 12/12/23

"By the way, your website on the Dao De Jing is totally awesomme!" - Solala Towler, 9/6/2023

Tao Te Ching Website. Anthology and Online Index of Lao Tzu's Daodejing. Edited by indeded by Michael P. Garofalo.

Mike Garofalo and Bruno
Vancouver, WA, 2000

A typical webpage created by Mike Garofalo for each one of the 81 Chapters (Verses, Sections) of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi) includes over 25 different English language translations or interpolations for that Chapter, 5 Spanish language translations for that Chapter, the Chinese characters for that Chapter, the Wade-Giles and Hanyu Pinyin transliterations (Romanization) of the Mandarin Chinese words for that Chapter, and 2 German and 1 French translation of that Chapter.  Each webpage for each one of the 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching includes extensive indexing by key words, phrases, and terms for that Chapter in English, Spanish, and the Wade-Giles Romanization.  Each webpage on a Chapter of the Daodejing includes recommended reading in books and websites, a detailed bibliography, some commentary, research leads, translation sources, a Google Translate drop down menu, and other resources for that Chapter.   

Chapter 76, Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

Chapter and Thematic Index (Concordance) to the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

English Language Daodejing Translators' Source Index

Spanish Language Daodejing Translators' Source Index

Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices

Taoism: A Selected Reading List

One Old Daoist Druid's Final Journey  


  1. Anonymous11:32 PM PDT

    I love your webpages for your extensive collections of seasonal quotes and poetry! I always look forward to finding a new treasure each season. I'm sorry you're having an issue with the sites and I hope it can be resolved. Thank you for sharing your collections!

  2. I am back online now. Thanks for the feedback. Pleased to hear you find my collections of value to you. Best Wishes, Mike
