Monday, April 22, 2024

Dao De Jing, Laozi, Chapter 60

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Chapter 60

"Ruling a large country is like cooking a small fish.
When the world is ruled by Tao, spirits do not haunt.
It is not that Spirits are no longer numinous, but that their powers do not harm men.
It is not just that their powers do not harm men, the Sage also does not harm men.
If neither side harms the other, Te spreads throughout."
-   Translated by Tam Gibbs, Chapter 60 

Govern a big country as you would fry a smal fish.
Approach the world with the Tao and evi will have no power.
Not that evi has no power, but it will not harm people.
Not that evi is not harmful,
But the Sage is dedicated to not harming people-even evi people.
When no one hurts another,
All will eventually return to the good.
-   Translated by John R. Mabry, Chapter 60  

"Ruling a large kingdom is indeed like cooking small fish.
They who by Tao all that is under heaven
Did not let an evil spirit within them display its powers.
Nay, it was not only that the evil spirit did not display its powers;
Neither was the Sage's good spirit used to the hurt of other men.
Nor was it only that his good spirit was not used to harm other men,
The Sage himself was thus saved from harm.
And so, each being saved from harm,
Their “powers” could converge towards a common end."
-   Translated by Arthur Waley, Chapter 60  

"Nurturing your love
is like tending a small garden.
If you keep pulling up the plants
to see if the roots are growing
you will harvest nothing.

If you focus on your troubles

you give them added power.
Step aside as would a martial arts master.
The troubles still exist,
but you are not unbalanced by their blows.
They lose their power to disturb.
They become food for growth."
-   Translated by William Martin, Chapter 60  

"Ruling a large state is like cooking a small fish.
When you use the Way to govern the world,
Evil spirits will not have godlike power,
It is that their power will not harm men.
But it is not only that their powers will not harm men,
The sage also, will not harm them.
Since these two do not do not harm others,
Therefore their Virtues intermingle and returns to them."
-   Translated by Bram den Hond, Chapter 60  

"To govern a great state, one should act like someone cooking a very small fish (very delicately, otherwise they break up).
When a state is governed according to the Principle, phantoms do not appear there to harm the people, because the Sage who governs does not harm the people.
Not that the spirits have no more powers,
But their powers will not harm men.
Neither will they harm men,
Nor will the Sage harm the people.
The merit of this double tranquility (on the part of the living and the dead) comes back, therefore, to the Sage."
-   Translated by Derek Bryce, Chapter 60 

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