Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Critical Thinkers - Who Are They?

 Who is a Good Critical Thinker?

"Today, especially, we all need to become philosophers, to develop a philosophical framework.  Critical thinking is a modern reworking of a philosophical perspective.  Who would you identify as expert critical thinkers?  To qualify, the people you identify should have lively, energetic minds that generally display the following qualities:

Open-minded: In discussions they listen carefully to every viewpoint, evaluating each perspective carefully and fairly.

Knowledgeable: When they offer an opinion, it's always based on facts or evidence.  On the other hand, if they lack knowledge of the subject, they acknowledge this.

Mentally Active: The take initiative and actively use their intelligence to confront problems and meet challenges, instead of simply responding to events.

Curious: They explore situations with probing questions that penetrate beneath the surface of issues, instead of being satisfied with superficial explanations.

Independent Thinkers: They are not afraid to disagree with the group opinion.  The develop well-supported beliefs through thoughtful analysis, instead of uncritically "borrowing" the beliefs of others or simply going along with the crowd.

Skilled Discussants: They are able to discuss ideas in and organized and intelligent way.  Even when the issues are controversial, they listen carefully to opposing viewpoints and respond thoughtfully.

Insightful: They are able to get to the heart of the issue or problem.  While others may be distracted by details they are able to zero in on the essence, seeing the "forest" as well as the "trees."

Self-aware: They are aware of their own biases and are quick to point them out and take them into consideration when analyzing a situation.

Creative: They can break out of established patterns of thinking and approach situations from innovative directions.

Passionate: They have a passion for understanding and are always striving to see issues and problems with more clarity."

-  John Chaffee, The Thinker's Way: 8 Steps to a Richer Life, 1998, p.36

The Thinker's Way: 8 Steps to a Richer Life (Think Critically, Live Creatively, Choose Freely).  By John Chaffee, Ph.D.  Boston, Little, Brown and Co, c1998.  Index, recommended reading, 420 pages. VSCL. 

Thinking Critically.  By John Chaffee, Ph.D.  Boston, Wadsworth Pub., 2012.  10th Edition.  Index, glossary, 575 pages.  John Chaffee, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at The City University of New York, where he has developed a popular Critical Thinking program.  VSCL. 

How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons

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