Friday, September 02, 2022

Dark-Enigmas of Becoming

 "Tao, Absence and Presence, tzu-jan (occurence appearing of itself), ch'i (breath-force), rivers and mountains landscape, empty-mind, no-mind, Absence-mind, mirror-mind, original source tissue mind, original-nature, original source tissue face, Buddha, dharma, inner-pattern, ch'i-thought-mind, existence-tissue, Buddha-nature, Buddha-mind, pranja-wisdom: these are the terms that describe the contours of Taoist/Ch'an ontology/cosmology.  Each term emphasizes a different aspect of that ontology/cosmology, but by now it is becoming clear that in the end they all blur into a single concept, a single linguistic darkness, and this darkness is itself the cosmological/ontological ground: that undifferentiated and generative tissue of the Cosmos seen as a single organic whole.  There was a name for this mysterious darkness: Dark-Enigma.

玄 学   

In perennial Absence you see mystery,
and in perennial Presence you see appearance.
Though the two are one and the same,
once they arise, they differ in name.

One and the same they're called dark-enigma,
dark-enigma deep within dark-enigma."

gateway of all mystery."

Translated by David Hinton, "China Root: Taoism, Ch'an, and Original Zen," 2020, p 91-92; Chapter 1, Tao Te Ching

See Also:  Neo-Taoism, Xuanxue, Learning (xue) in the Profound (xuan), 玄 学 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy  

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