Saturday, June 28, 2014

Activities That Might Help Your Liver

"Aerobic exercise differs from other types of physical activity in that it is typically of longer duration, yet of relatively low intensity. It generally involves rhythmically using the same large muscle group for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Examples of aerobic activities are walking, biking, jogging, rowing, swimming and cross-country skiing. As a rule, you should be able to carry on a short conversation while doing aerobic exercise without gasping for breath.
Besides benefitting the 25 percent of American adults with a fatty liver, there are many more reasons to engage in regular aerobic exercise. Six reasons to get aerobic exercise daily are:
1.    Aerobic exercise activates the immune system, reducing susceptibility to colds and flus.
2.    Aerobic exercise helps keep arteries clear and strengthens the heart.
3.    Aerobic exercise can ease depression, reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
4.    Aerobic exercise keeps muscles strong, which helps maintain mobility with advancing age.
5.    Aerobic exercise reduces cognitive decline in older adults.
6.    Aerobic exercise enhances stamina and reduces fatigue.
Although running a marathon may not be everybody’s preference, just about anyone can find a way to include aerobic exercise into their lifestyle. By partaking in this kind of physical activity, fatty liver disease can be prevented, steatosis reversed and steatohepatitis progression halted. As demonstrated by the Cleveland Clinic researchers, long and steady physical activity officially wins the race toward a leaner, healthier liver."
-  Nicole Cutler, Aerobic Exercise - A Smart Route for Battling a Fatty Liver

Walking: Quotes, Sayings, Poetry, Lore, Information.  Compiled by Mike Garofalo.

In the Eight Section Brocade Chi Kung Exercise set, the movement "Punching with an Angry Gaze" is claimed to benefit the liver.  Look at three Qigong liver exercises explained by Harold Sconiers, and four from Ashley Miller.  Liver functions are purportedly at a peak from 1 am to 3 am.  Qigong emphasizes reducing anger to improve liver functioning. 

A diet that is low in fat and high in fiber and lower in calories might help you become leaner. Having less fat around your abdomen, a trim waistline, might benefit your liver.  

Among the Six Daoist Healing Sounds, it is claimed that the sound "Shhhhh " as in "Shush," with the lips pursed, is supposedly beneficial to one's liver.  

Five Yoga poses supposedly helpful in improving liver function are Kapalbhati Pranayama, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Dhanurasana, Gomukh Asana, and Nauksana.  Here are 21 Ways a yoga teacher recommends to help your liver health. 
Kapalbhati Pranayama
Kapalbhati Pranayama

General medical information about fatty liver disease:

The Everett Clinic

Better Health Channel


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