Saturday, January 25, 2025

Prajnatara's "It's the Attitude that Counts"

The Fireplace Records, Chapter 16

Prajnatara's "It's the Attitude that Counts"

Bill and Frank were Dharma Buddies for a number of years.  Their 'Book of the Month Club' choice in April was the "Book of Serenity" translated and introduced by Thomas Cleary, 1988. They met at the local Brewed Awakenings coffee shop to discuss the book.

Bill opened the Book of Serenity and read from Case 3: The Invitation of the Patriarch to Eastern India:

"A Rajah of an east Indian country invited the twenty-seventh Buddhist Patriarch Prajnatara to a feast. The Rajah asked him, "Why don't you read scriptures?" The Patriarch said, "This poor wayfarer doesn't dwell in the realms of the body or mind when breathing in, doesn't get involved in myriad circumstances when breathing out. I always reiterate such a scripture, hundreds, thousands, millions of scrolls."

Frank said, "I know that some people constantly, mostly silently, repeat a sacred name or phrase or prayer as part of their spiritual training.  When I was a boy we said the Hail Mary Rosary in our Catholic Church. Yogis have their 'Om Mani Padme Hum.' Transcendental meditators had a 'mantra'.  Koan meditators had their 'Hua Tou.'  Pure Landers chant 'Namo Amida Butsu.' Nichiren encouraged worship of the Lotus Sutra and the repetition of the Sutra's Title: 'Namu Myoho Renge Kyo'. Taoists repeat verses from the Tao Te Ching. Christians sing the same favorite hymn over and over."

Bill said, "Good observations, Frank.  Just being alive today and able to think or behave in some way about our spiritual development, even by chanting, is a great opportunity.  However, I have some reservations about Prajnatara's path. When we are sleeping we come close to not dwelling in the realms of body and mind and we don't get involved with myriad circumstances when we are sleeping.  Does my snoring turn the scrolls of scriptures?" Even an evil demon sleeps, does it reiterate scriptures while unconscious?"

Frank said, "A poor traveling wayfarer like Prajnatara cannot haul around delicate paper scriptures. So he must find ways to interpret the ordinary in a sympathetic manner, find ways to use breathing to focus awareness, and find ways to become more detached from desires and less entangled in myriad circumstances. Whether he sits, stands or walks, if he/she keeps the Buddhist attitude he can be an awakened and compassionate person. By being this way, acting like a Buddha, is another way of turning the scriptures, honoring them, if not by reading them because of impoverished circumstances."

Bill said, "Yes, Yes. Sometimes, reading is just not feasible or possible. One's attitude is the primary concern."

Bill added, "Changing the subject, I read that the great California translator and commentator of over 80 classic Taoist and Buddhist sacred scriptures, Thomas Cleary, passed away.  He translated the book we are studying, 'The Book of Serenity.'  I have been reading his translations since 1977."

A Student's Considerations: 

Somewhere, Somehow, Someone is Chanting
A Funeral Chant:

Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swaha
Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swaha
Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swaha
Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swaha
Rest in Peace
Requiescat in Pace
Requiescat in Pace
Rest in Peace
Rest in Peace
Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swaha
Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swaha
Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swaha
Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swaha
Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swaha

No More Breathing In or Breathing Out
The Prayer Wheels Turn Nevertheless

Related Links, Resources, References

Koans: BOS 03, 

Thomas Cleary (1949-2021)

Refer to my Cloud Hands Blog Posts on the topic of Koans/Dialogues.

The Daodejing by Laozi    Best? 

Pulling Onions  Over 1,043 One-line Sayings by Mike Garofalo

Chinese Chan Buddhist and Taoist Stories and Koans



Fireplaces, Stoves, Campfires, Kitchens, Pots, Firewood

Chinese Art

Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong

Meditation Methods

Zen Koan Books I Use

Koan Database Project

Brief Spiritual Lessons Database Project: Subject Indexes

Sparks: Brief Spiritual Lessons and Stories
Matches to Start a Kindling of Insight
May the Light from Your Inner Fireplace Help All Beings
Taoist, Chan Buddhist, Zen Buddhist, Philosophers
Catching Phrases, Inspiring Verses, Koans, Meditations
Indexing, Bibliography, Quotations, Notes, Resources
Research by Michael P. Garofalo

The Fireplace Records
By Michael P. Garofalo

Thomas Cleary (1949-2021)

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