Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Men Can Increase Their Lifespan by Five Years

Most men will be very pleased to learn that researchers in Germany discovered that men can increase their lifespan by looking more at women's breasts each day. 
Read the Article titled: Stare at Boobs for Longer Life
The article states: "According to Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist and author of the study, gawking at women’s breasts is a healthy practice, almost at par with an intense exercise regime, that prolongs the lifespan of a man by five years.  She added, "Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female, is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out."  Apparently, the practice helps with blood circulation ...  "hot blooded" therapy.
How did they get the guys for the control group - the "non-lookers"?  They were either liars, gay gentlemen, or just sick and dying already.
So old men who lust after shapely ladies can now add another justification, along with the five they already have, for enjoying the simple erotic pleasures of life. I wonder if staring at pornography counts as an aerobic workout, or are the benefits reaped only with live action??  ;-))

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