Friday, March 11, 2011

Keys to a Longer Life

One interesting report of studies of persons who lived to be 90 years of age concluded that exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes after the age of 70 significantly increased vitality and longevity.

"Scientists have homed in on the secrets of a longer life by studying thousands of pensioners who lived to their 90s and beyond. In the case of men, their chances of reaching their 90s were surprisingly dependent on how well they looked after themselves from their 70s onwards, the scientists found, suggesting their life expectancy was not already determined by their former lifestyle.
Detailed lifestyle records of the elderly volunteers revealed that men had to keep themselves in peak condition to have a reasonable chance of joining the nonagenarians, while women coped better and lived longer despite chronic and often disabling illnesses. Previous studies of twins suggest that about a quarter of the variation in human lifespan is governed by genes, leaving 75% that is influenced by our environment, diet and lifestyle."

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