Tuesday, July 01, 2014

A Backyard View to the Southwest

Immediately behind our back porch, which faces due West, are four large pecan trees.  Behind them are many shrubs.  About 20 feet from the back porch, behind the shrubs, is a four foot high chain link fence and gates. 

At the south end of this enclosed garden behind the back porch are a number of trees and shrubs growing in front of a five foot high wood fence.  The largest tree in this group is a fifty foot high redwood tree that I planted in 1998.  Here is how the area looked in 2008. 

During a violent wind storm last Spring, two trees along the wooden fence broke apart and crashed to the ground.  Some fencing and shrubs were broken or damaged.  I removed all the damaged wood and repaired the fencing. 

Two weeks ago, I replanted that area with trees (gifts from Kathy Goodin) and shrubs.  The shade from the pecan trees and other trees makes it difficult for grass to grow in this area in the summer.  Here is how it now looks:

For more photographs of the results of our home landscaping projects from 1998-2008, we have a webpage on the subject. 

The Spirit of Gardening:  Quotations, Sayings, Poetry, Lore, Information.  Over 3,500 quotations arranged by 130 subjects.  Compiled by Mike Garofalo.  

"Man was not made to rust out in idleness.  A degree of exercise is as necessary for the preservation of health, both of body and mind, as his daily food.  And what exercise is more fitting, or more appropriate of one who is in the decline of life, than that of superintending a well-ordered garden?  What more enlivens the sinking mind?  What is more conducive to a long life?"
-  Joseph Breck

"Successful gardening is doing what has to be done when it has to be done the way it ought to be done whether you want to do it or not."
-  Jerry Baker 

"In his garden every man may be his own artist without apology or explanation.  Each within his green enclosure is a creator, and no two shall reach the same conclusion; nor shall we, any more than other creative workers, be ever wholly satisfied with our accomplishment.  Ever a season ahead of us floats the vision of perfection and herein lies its perennial charm."
-  Louise Beebe Wilder

Below is a photo of the small pond at the western edge of our property.  Overflow irrigation from the fields to the west of us keep this pond topped up most of the year.  

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