Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Bound Angle Pose

Baddha Konasana
Bound Angle Pose

Description in Yoga Journal  

Benefits of Bound Angle Pose

I teach two versions of the seated version the Bound Angle Pose:   

1.  Sit up straight.  Keep your heels and the soles of your feet together.  Chin slightly tucked and the crown of the head lifted, ears over shoulders.  Keep the abdominals tucked.  Allow the knees to gradually lower down to the floor.  Relax, Release and stretch!  This is a gentle static isometric stretch of the adductor muscles (inner thighs) in the groin area and a hip opener.  Inhale and exhale gently as you hold the posture for 1 to 3 minutes.  Try not to force the knees down to the floor.  Relax and release! Let gravity do the work of lowering the knees towards the floor.  Hands are placed on the floor at the sides of the hips, or behind the back as shown above. 

Some folks also lean forward while keeping the back straight, or round the back as they lean forward and draw the head towards the floor while keeping the knees drawn down to the extent that they can do so.  They try to bring the head in front of the knees. 

2.  Sit up straight.  I don't recommend leaning to far forward in this version.  Keep your heels and the soles of your feet together.  Chin slightly tucked and the crown of the head lifted, ears over shoulders  Keep the abdominals tucked.  Place your hands on the inside of your knees and press down at the same time as you tense and draw the knees upward.  The muscular lifting effort of the upper legs resists the force downward on the legs with the arms.  This is called oppositional or resistance stretching.  Press down on the legs and lift the legs up simultaneously as you slowly exhale, then relax, release the downward pressure on the legs, and slowly inhale.  Some folks prefer a two breath cycle of simultaneously pressing the legs down and pushing/lifting the legs up.  Do this for 5 to 8 repetitions.

Yoga: Research, notes, lists, bibliography, links.  By Mike Garofalo.

Qigong (Chi Kung), Chinese Health Exercises.

There is also a supine (lying on back) version of this pose, relaxing and releasing (1), including using props under the torso while lying on your back.  

The first version (1) of the Bound Angle Pose is suitable for people with osteoarthritis, as shown below in the instructional video.

Help with Arthritis: Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Yoga, Walking, and Diet   Bibliography, links, resources, recommended books, information, quotations, tips, and research.  By Michael P. Garofalo.

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