Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Recuperating from COVID 19 Flu

 Karen and I were both were infected by the COVID 19 Flu virus on May 21st., 2024.

We have both had 2 basic COVID flu shots and a third; plus, the regular annual flu shot in 2023.

We both stayed home alone, rested, stayed warm, drank plenty of fluids, and regained some appetite.  Both of us are coughing frequently with yellow sputum, no fever, fatigue, tired, weak, aching muscles, having sinus infections, etc.

Tiresome, frustrating, disappointing, unstoppable.  So it goes.  

Reading, napping, Smithsonian Aerial America episodes, map reading, resting.

Unfortunately, my heart flipped back into AFib on June 2nd.  

Sadly, over 1,140,722 have died from COVID 19 and 1,147,399 have died from pneumonia.

Was I scared, worried, anxious ... yes, seriously at times.

We did not visit our physician or the hospital emergency room. We did get advice and medicine by phone from our physician.  

Not much energy or interest in writing, blogging, research.  Mostly reading, watching television, sleeping, harmonica playing, 

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