Sunday, August 04, 2024

Eight Section Brocade Qigong

Eight Section Brocade Qigong

Qigong (Chi Kung) Website

Research by Michael P. Garofalo.

Review From Antique Buddhas, UK

"Your extensive exploration of Eight Treasures Qigong is truly inspiring! It's remarkable how this ancient practice, with roots dating back to the Animal Frolics Dao-yin exercises, continues to evolve and benefit practitioners today. Your integration of Shaolin and Daoist concepts adds depth to your teachings, enhancing the holistic understanding of mind-body wellness.

The resources you've compiled, from books to instructional materials, offer a wealth of knowledge for those eager to delve into this enriching practice. Your dedication to detailing each movement, including variations, benefits, and breathing patterns, is commendable and undoubtedly enhances the learning experience for your students.

The historical context you provide, tracing the lineage and development of Ba Duan Jin through the ages, adds richness to its practice. It's fascinating to see how this system has adapted and diversified over time, yet remains focused on promoting health and well-being.

Thank you for sharing your expertise and passion for Eight Treasures Qigong. Your commitment to preserving and transmitting this ancient wisdom is truly admirable.

Warm regards,
Antique Buddhas" 2023

This webpage provides information about the history and purpose of this popular Chi Kung practice. Detailed descriptions are provided for each of the eight movements; including information on movement variations, health benefits, qigong meaning, and cautions. The document includes the most extensive bibliography, link guide, and comments on Ba Duan Jin Qigong resources available anywhere. Some animated graphics are provided in linked files. This document is updated as new information is discovered.

This qigong set is the most popular qigong set practiced around the world, and is also known as: Baduanjin, Pa Tuan Jin, Eight Silken Treasures, Ba Duan Jin, Pal Dan Gum, Ba Duan Gin, Pa Tin Kam, Otto Pezzi di Tesoro, Acht Delen Brokaat, Les Huit Exercices del la Soie, Eight Silken Treasures, Brocade Qigong, Wudang Brocade Qigong, Brocade soft qigong (Rou Gong), Eight Treasures inner qigong (Nei Gong), Silk Treasures Qigong, and the first eight Buddha Lohan Hands.

This wepage document is about 110 pages, 26,000 words, and with a filesize of 340Kb. It was last updated and reformatted on April 15, 2008. Web File Location:

I get a number of comments and questions sent to me by email each month about my Eight Section Brocade webpage. Here is a recent exchange with Barbara K from the Dutch Country in Pennsylvania:

Dear Michael,

If you don't have a DVD of your version of this, is there one that you recommend? I liked what you said about the way you do this form and, yes, there are SO many different ways of doing the "8 sections." I am trying to teach myself as there doesn't seem to be much in the way of Qigong instruction where I live.


I have not purchased any DVDs on the subject.

The Taijiquan and Kung Fu books and DVDs by Master Yang Jwing Ming that I have purchased have always been very authoritative. He offers a book and video on the Eight Section Brocade.

This qigong form is very simple so you should be able to practice it on your own in a short period of time.


Thank you for the prompt response. I have been so overwhelmed with what I found on u-tube as far as demos of the 8 pieces. They are so varied. After reading parts of your very complete treatise on this form, I realized that this was the norm. I just want to find one that I "can agree with" and learn it with a video. I will try the one you suggest. Seems like CA is the place for Tai Chi-Qigung, and not PA Dutch country. That's another reason I want to learn it.


So, you will bring Taijiquan and Qigong to PA Dutch Country. Good health practices are universally needed and valued.

Yes, there are many versions of the Eight Section Brocade and Five Animal Frolics - the two most popular Qigong forms. Likewise, there are many styles of Yoga, and over 500 postures (asanas). Find what works for you: Barbara K’s Qigong. Just remember: full and calm breathing, relax, upright posture, still mind, slow and focused movements, and blend with the cosmos.

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