Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Press the Heavens with Two Hands


I discovered your web page on Eight Section Brocade—what an amazing resource! Thank you for putting it together.
I'm a beginning/intermediate qi gong student, mostly practicing at home. I've learned this form from various teachers and as a result, I've gotten rather confused. So the information here is helpful. One sticking point I've had is regarding the breathing on the first exercise, since some teachers have told me to inhale up and others have told me to exhale up. Can you explain what the difference is? I noticed as I was scanning your page that you mention something about one being the Buddhist method and the other being the Daoist method. What's the difference to the one practicing?
Also, is there one resource you'd recommend for the Eight Section Brocade? (like one book or one dvd or one teacher...)
Thanks so much!


Best wishes with your practice of the Eight Section Brocade Qigong Form.  May you enjoy good health and uplifting vitality.
The first movement in this set is "Pressing the Heavens with Two Hands."  Arms press upward and forward.  When I practice this movement I spread my feet a bit wider, toes out 45 degrees.  As my arms come down in semi-circular arc on either side, I exhale.  As my arms come down to my legs I squat within my training zone, then my hands come together between my legs, I turn my palms up, and as I inhale I slowly draw my hands up close to my body up to my forehead.  Turning my palms out, press both arms upward into the Heavens.  At the end of the press relax, begin to exhale as your arms circle back down to your legs.  Inhale moving up, exhale moving down.   If you are doing deeper squats with longer holds, probably better to exhale as you push up from a squat.  Sometimes, I like to inhale until my hands turn at my forehead, then exhale as I press the arms up and out, inhale at the peak of the upward stretch, exhale going down.  I prefer relaxing my abdomen on the inhale, and gently tightening the abdomen on the exhale.  Eight repetitions for each movement is recommended.  Some players like to come up on their toes as they press up and out.  There are many breathing methods in Chinese Qigong and Indian Yoga, and some methods are used by Buddhists and Taoists in spiritual practices including chanting.  Breathe (inhaling/exhaling) in any way comfortable to you to allow you to complete eight repetitions of "Pressing the Heavens with Two Hands." 
Yin, Exhale, Lowering, Emptying, Downward, Squatting, Tightening Abdomen
Yang, Inhale, Rising, Filling, Upward, Standing, Relaxing Abdomen 

Unfortunately, I can't suggest the best resource because I cannot afford to purchase them and spend time comparing them. 


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