Saturday, November 03, 2012

Tiger Frolics Chi Kung

The traditional Chinese Five Animal Frolics Qigong include the Tiger Frolic.  

1.  The Tiger Lunges and Attacks
Feet together.  Stand up straight.  Arms at sides.
Bring hands to waist level with tiger claw hands (fingers open and curled).
Step out to left side at a 45 degree angle with the left leg.  Step into a high lunge posture. 
As the left foot lifts and steps to the side, draw both hands up the body to above the head, lift the head, circling both arms up and down.
As the left foot comes to the floor, both hands, separated by a foot or so, claw downward to about waist level. 
Draw the arms back to the waist (as if pulling the captured prey close to your Tiger body) and the left foot is drawn back to beside the right foot. 

Do the same movement to the right side. 
Step out to right side at a 45 degree angle with the right leg.  Step into a high lunge posture. 
As the right foot lifts and steps to the side, draw both hands up the body to above the head, lift the head, circling both arms up and down.
As the right foot comes to the floor, both hands, separated by a foot or so, claw downward to about waist level. 
Draw the arms back to the waist (as if pulling the captured prey close to your Tiger body) and the right foot is drawn back to beside the left foot. 

Movement source citation:  Tiger Frolic #3, Big Lunge.  UTube Video, 1:34 minutes.  Performed by Anson Rathbone, 2007.  As taught by Deguang at NESA's Medical Qigong Class.

虎戏   Tiger Frolic   Hŭ

Correspondences and Alchemical Associations for the Tiger:

Attributes:  Power, Courage, Ferocity
Element:  Metal 
Direction:  West 
Organ:  Lung  
Season:  Autumn  
Color:  White 
Yin Organ:  Lungs 
Yang Organ: Large Intestines 
Energetic Movements:  Contracting, Sinking, Letting Go  
Healing:  Liver and Gall Bladder; Nose, Bronchi, Sinus, Skin  
Healing Sound:  "hsssssss"  
Release: Grief, Sadness  
Encourage:  Strength (Yang);  Joy and Courage (Yin) 
Associations: Harvest, Dusk 

The assignment of alchemical and magickal correspondences to the Tiger vary amongst practitioners of the Five Animal Frolics, qigong theorists, and Taoist Alchemists.  The following authors have provided tables of correspondences:  Kenneth Cohen, Franklin Fick, Mike Garofalo, Alan Graham, Livia Kohn, Joseph Morales, Ken Morgan, Nancy Seeber, Yang Jwing-Ming, and Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
Readers should keep in mind that knowledge of these alchemical and magickal correspondences is of some usefulness to most practitioners.  The true Adepts and playful Wizards will need to pay very close attention to correspondences.  Theses associations have a long history in China and their meanings are part of the mental aspects of the Five Animals Frolics Daoyin practice.  Daily practice of the Frolics, often outdoors, is essential to embody these cosmic principles.     

"The 5 Animal Frolics (五禽戲, Wu Qin Xi) is a complete qigong system, and the most ancient qigong system still practiced today. According to Kenneth Cohen, author of The Way of Qigong,”As story has it (Daoist Legend) Hua Tuo [110-207 AD/CE] received this text as well as instruction in Five Animals from two recluses living in a cave on Mount Gong Yi.”  The “more recent” teachers whom are credited with spreading qigong (and Five Animal Qigong, in particular) are Madame Guo Lin (1906-1984) and Feng Zhiqiang (who learned this from his teacher, Hu Yao-zhen)*.  The series of exercises that comprise the Five Animal Frolics not only help to keep the body sprightly and strong, but it engages both the mind and spirit as well.  The Five Animal Frolics help to great depth to your practice by allowing your body to communicate in different ways."
Creating Joyous Practice with the Five Animal Frolics

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