Saturday, January 04, 2020

Sensitive Awareness: Drishti

"Drishti (IPA: [ dɽʂʈi ]Sanskritदृष्टिIAST:dṛṣṭi), or focused gaze, is a means for developing concentrated intention. It relates to the fifth limb of yoga (pratyahara) concerning sense withdrawal as well as the sixth limb dharana relating to concentration."
Drishti - Wikipedia

While doing various yoga postures the eyes gaze at and concentrate on eight specific parts of the body: 
middle of the thumb
eyes lowered, imagine gazing at third eye in the middle of the forehead
tip of the nose
palm of the hand and fingers
look to left side or right side
look upwards at sky or ceiling


"Simply speaking, drushti is sensitive awareness to that which you are doing. This has two aspects that are vital to every aspect of our practice. First it means bringing your mind to bear exactly on what you are doing. Not doing one thing while thinking another. This actually means learning not even to be thinking about what you are doing. Rather, just be doing it, feeling it. In the beginning we must think before we act. Then we act. Then think again. But we must learn to separate these two processes so that we can act with precision and clarity, without the distraction of thought. Eventually we will learn to trust the intelligence of the body and will be able to dispense with the thinking process more and more. Then our practice becomes meditation in action."

"The second aspect is to feel the effect of what we are doing. Not only at the point of the action itself, but throughout the whole structure of the body and the quality of the mind. We must feel its impact on the functioning of the body, breath and mind. We use this feedback to go deeper into the poses by making adjustments according to the four secondary techniques of asana, vinyasa, bandha and pranayama. Then through the dynamic created between our intention and our actions, a meditative awareness emerges."

- Godfrey Devereux, Dynamic Yoga, 1998, p. 24 

Seeing, Looking, Watching

Yoga:  Posture Lists, Research, Reading Lists, Notes   By Mike Garofalo


Qigong (Chi Kung)

Body-Mind: Theory and Practices

"Seeing is a gift that comes with practice."
-   Stephanie Mills   

"What we see depends mainly on what we look for."
-  John Lubbock    

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