Michael G. wrote to me 0n 12/19 and commented:
"Your work is very impressive.
I have one question: Do you feel the love from the one that is?"
I wrote back,
I feel deep and abiding gratitude for the love, goodness, beauty, knowledge, and successes in our lives.
I feel great sadness about the illnesses, tragedy, ugliness, ignorance, evil and failures in the world.
I try to act wisely on all of these kinds of feelings.
I feel love from the One That Is, and from the One That Is Not.
The One I am certain about is Many.
The Many Create and Elevate The One
"Simplifying our relations to things sometimes allows us to live
more complex intellectual and emotional lives.
Repetition and diversification are Nature's formulas.
Simplifying and simplicity are never simple matters.
The empty garden is already full.
The simplest garden is never simple.
It takes four seasons to know one year.
Complexity is closer to the Truth.
Diversity, multiplicity, relations, combinations, mixtures, complexity - rarely just one process or one thing.
Never just One: fruit, a hoe, the moving Sun."
- Michael P. Garofalo, Pulling Onions
"An agricultural adage says the tiny animals that live below the
surface of a healthy pasture weigh more than the cows grazing
above it. In a catalogue selling composting equipment I read
that two handfuls of healthy soil contain more living organisms
than there are people on the earth. What these beings are and
what they can be doing is difficult to even begin to comprehend,
but it helps to realize that even thought they are many,
they work as one."
- Carol Williams, Bringing a Garden to Life, 1998
Green Way Wisdom - Complexity

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