Friday, December 09, 2005

SF Parkour

"Hi Mike! I have a question for you. I am part of a group called SF Parkour. Parkour is a new sport that is kind of like urban gymnastics. We run around and jump off, over and through things, trying to be as fluid and interactive with our (urban) environment as possible. Information about this "sport" (if you can call it that) can be found on our website.

We're trying to find a slogan for our group. I thought that starting with a cliché or platitude and altering it somehow to be relevant to our sport might sound cool, so I did a Google search for common clichés and found your site - a smorgasbord of clichés. Half way through the B section I thought well crap, this guy's thought about clichés a lot, I should just ask him if he's got any suggestions. If you have any good suggestions, post 'em, or email me and I will. Also, if it helps your inspiration, whoever's slogan wins gets $50 and a T-shirt. Meanwhile, I'll be making my way down the list..."
- Jeff, December 8, 2005

Meadlad Jeff doing some precision jumps over posts and pipes
at the creek near the UC Berkeley Campus, California.

Also, take a look at my post on "Walking the Circle."

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