Thursday, December 29, 2005

Yoga Journal Newsletter

I really enjoy reading the e-mail neweletter from Yoga Journal. You can sign up for the excellent Yoga Journal E-mail Newsletter by visiting their webpage. Anyone interested in Chinese Qigong will find much useful information in this newsletter. I'm of the opionion that Qigong (Chi-Kung, Dao-Yin) is a type of Yoga, probably older than Hatha Yoga from India. The earliest Yoga Sutra by Pantanjali (200 A.D.), does not have any detailed instructions on postures or breathing exercises. These instructions began to appear in published works in India by the 16th century. Chinese Qigong (Dao-Yin) postures and breathing exercises have a documented history back to 300 B.C.. I'm sure cross-fertilization of mind-body arts occurred between India, Tibet and China since 1,000 B.C..
In many ways the country, source, or time of origin of a mind-body-spirit practice is irrelevant to a person practicing in 2005. "Just Do It" and do it every day.

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