Wednesday, October 03, 2012

October Gardening Chores

Red Bluff, North Sacramento Valley, California, USA

Removing dead and non-productive vegetable crops. 
Planting starts and seeds of winter vegetable crops. 
Ordering seed and garden catalogs.
Remove all peppers in case of frost.
Reduce watering as temperature drops.
Watering plants as needed.
Being attentive to the effects of the cold dry winds. 
Planting potted trees and shrubs in the ground.
Placing cold sensitive potted plants in protected areas or indoors.
Planting bulbs.
Prune and mulch perennials. 
Storing and repairing tools.
Fertilize with 20-9-9 or 15-15-15. 
Trees without leaves need little or no watering.
Picking pumpkins, squash, colored corn, and other crops for Thanksgiving decorations.
Finish all digging and construction projects before the first rain.
Bring in wood and kindling to rain free storage areas.
Repair roofs on sheds and house.
Add fallen leaves to the compost pile.
Be prepared for chilling frosts.
Collect seeds from plants.
Start pruning berry vines.

"Since we do experience droughts nearly every summer, it is crucial to provide supplemental irrigation to newly installed (spring) landscapes. Generally this means a couple of hours of watering once or twice a week. Keep in mind that trees and shrubs planted in the spring and summer use a significant amount of their resources for above-ground growth. Since root growth is favored during the dormant season, it’s best to install landscape plants in the fall. It has been demonstrated that shrubs and trees planted during the fall suffer less environmental stress than those planted in the spring or summer."
-   Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott

We favor planting potted trees and shrubs in the ground starting in late October in Red Bluff.  Basically, after daytime temperatures drop into the low 80sF. 

The Raywood Ash trees in our backyard provide a fine fall display.  This tree does very well in our summertime heat and is not prone to trunk destruction by borers. This photo was taken in mid-November. 

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