Thursday, October 04, 2012

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, Chapter 47

Dao De Jing, Laozi
Chapter 47

"The wise leader knows what is happening in a group by being aware of what is happening here and now.
This is more potent than wandering off into various theories or making complex interpretations of the situation at hand.
Stillness, clarity, and consciousness are more immediate than any number of expeditions into the distant lands of one's mind.
Such expeditions, however stimulating, distract both the leader and the group members from what is actually happening.
By staying present and aware of what is happening, the leader can do less yet achieve more."
-   Translated by John Heider, 1985, Chapter 47 

"No need to go outside a door
To see totality
Or look out of a window
For seeing what will always be
Going out you go astray
At home and center all is one
The seer doesn't have to do
To see that everything is done."
-   Translated by Jim Clatfelter, 2001, Chapter 47  

"Without traveling, we could know the world.
Without looking through the window, we could see the Tao of heaven.
The farther you go, the less you know.
Thus the sage knows without traveling.
He knows things without actually seeing them.
He success without effort."
-   Translated by Tienzen Gong, Chapter 47

"Don't step outside your door. Know the social world.
Don't look out the window. See the natural guide.
The farther you go
the less you know what to do.
Using this: Sages don't go anywhere and yet know what to do.
Don't see and yet name things.
Don't deem-act and yet accomplish. "
-   Translated by Chad Hansen, Chapter 47

1 comment:

  1. nice quote and chapter of Lao-Tzu . Thanks for sharing this with us.
