Saturday, November 29, 2014

Ours is the Stuff Sublime

"We men of Earth have here the stuff
Of Paradise - we have enough!
We need no other stones to build
The Temple of the Unfulfilled -
No other ivory for the doors -
No other marble for the floors -
No other cedar for the beam
And dome of man's immortal dream.

Here on the paths of every-day -
Here on the common human way
Is all the stuff the gods would take
To build a Heaven, to mold and make
New Edens. Ours is the stuff sublime
To build Eternity in time!" 
-  Edwin Markham, Earth is Enough

Awe: Quotes, Sayings 

"Wonder is the beginning of wisdom."
-  Socrates

"Subject is known by what she sees."
-   Allen Ginsberg, Mind Writing Slogans  

Raining in Red Bluff, California, today 11/28/2014

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful land is so compelling. Land, earth, is our heritage.
