Friday, November 10, 2017

Dao De Jing, Laozi, Chapter 3

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Chapter 3

"If no distinctions of superiority and inferiority prevail among officers, they will devote themselves to their tasks rather than to rivalries with one another.
If no special value is placed upon rare things, one will have no incentive for stealing them.
If nothing appears to arouse envy, one will remain satisfied with things as they are
Since this is so, the wise administrator does not lead people to set their hearts upon what they cannot have, but satisfies their inner needs. He does not promote ambition to improve their status, but supports their self-sufficiency. He does not complicate their lives with knowledge of multifarious details or with an urge to attend to this, that and the other.
By keeping people contented, he prevents those who mistakenly believe that ambition is better than contentment from leading the contented astray.
By being calm and contented himself, he sets an example for his people."
-  Translated by Archie J. Bahm, 1958, Chapter 3  

"Not exalting ability ensures that the people do not strive.
Not prizing goods that are difficult to obtain ensures that the people do not become robbers.
Not showing them what they might desire ensures that the people do not feel disturbed in their hearts.
Therefore the Saint, in the exercise of government, empties their hearts and fills their bellies, weakens their wills and strengthens their bones, thus constantly ensuring that the people are without knowledge and without desires and that those who have knowledge dare not act.
He practices Non-action and consequently there is nothing that is not well governed."
-  Translated by Jan J. L. Duyvendak, 1954, Chapter 3  

"When you praise people for their achievements, people will compete
When you call things valuable, people will steal
When people flaunt desirable things, it will make other people restless
Therefore the sage sets himself to the task of emptying their heads
To make sure they're not hungry, discourage their ambitions and strengthen their bodies
So people will be without anxiety and without the desire for knowledge
And the scientists will be played off the field
When people won't labour anymore
All will live in peace."
-  Translated by Anonymous, Chapter 3  

"Rewarding not the talented from fierce contention frees,
With wealth unprized, the people will not take to thievish arts,
Not seeing what awakes desire will keep the mind at ease,
And so the sage' s governing unloads the people' s hearts.
He fills the stomach, strengthens bones, and calms the daring will,
He causes people not to know desires they should not hold,
And those who know of such he keeps, from reckless daring, still,
He acts the nothing acting, and there' s nothing uncontrolled."
-  Translated by Isaac Winter Heysinger, 1903, Chapter 3  

不尚賢, 使民不爭; 不貴難得之貨, 使民不為盜.
不見可欲, 使心不亂.
-  Chinese characters, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 3  

pu shang hsien, shih min pu chêng; pu kuei nan tê chih huo, shih min pu wei tao.
pu chien k'o yü, shih min hsin pu luan.
shih yi shêng jên chih chih. 
hsü ch'i hsin.
shih ch'i fu.
jo ch'i chih.
ch'iang ch'i ku.
ch'ang shih min wu chih wu yü. 
shih fu chih chê pu kan wei yeh. 
wei wu wei.
tsê wu pu chih.
-  Wade-Giles Romanization, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 3  

"If those who are excellent find no preferment,
The people will cease to contend for promotion.
If goods that are hard to obtain are not favored,
The people will cease to turn robbers or bandits.
If things much desired are kept under cover,
Disturbance will cease in the minds of the people.
The Wise Man's policy, accordingly,
Will be to empty people's hearts and minds,
To fill their bellies, weaken their ambition,
Give them sturdy frames and always so,
To keep them uniformed, without desire,
And knowing ones not venturing to act.
Be still while you work
And keep full control
Over all."
-  Translated by Raymond Blakney, 1955, Chapter 3  

"Exalt not the wise, 
So that the people shall not scheme and contend;
Prize not rare objects,
So that the people shall not steal;
Shut out from site the things of desire,
So that the people's hearts shall not be disturbed.
Therefore in the government of the Sage:
He keeps empty their hearts
Makes full their bellies,
Discourages their ambitions,
Strengthens their frames;
So that the people may be innocent of knowledge and desires.
And the cunning ones shall not presume to interfere.
By action without deeds
May all live in peace."
-  Translated by Lin Yutang, 1955, Chapter 3  

"Si no se eleva a los hombres de mérito,
no habrá disputas entre el pueblo.
Si no se valoran los objetos difíciles de conseguir,
no existirán ladrones en el pueblo.
Si no se deja ver lo que puede provocar el deseo,
no se producirán disturbios populares.
Por eso el gobierno del sabio es:
vaciar la mente del pueblo,
y llenar su estómago;
debilitar su ambición,
y fortalecer sus huesos.
Hacer siempre que el pueblo no tenga conocimientos, ni deseos.
Hacer que los inteligentes no se atrevan (a gobernar);
no actuar, en una palabra,
y entonces reinará el orden universal."
-  Translated by Juan Ignacio Preciado, 1978, Tao Te Ching, Capítulo 3 

"When the superior are not exalted, envy will not be aroused.
Then there will be no rivalry or contention among people.
When wealth is not treasured, desire for possessions will not be stirred up.
Then people will not be tempted to rob one another.
By shutting that which is desirable out of sight, the heart will remain undisturbed.
Then there will be no confusion in the hearts of people.
The guidance of the Universal One of natural wholeness is therefore:
Empty your mind.
Enjoy good health.
Weaken your ambitions.
Strengthen your essence.
When people are free from cunning, desire, and artifice, everything will be well-ordered of its own accord."
-  Translated by Ni Hua-Ching, 1995, Chapter 3

"Bestowing honor breeds ambitions.
 Hoarding treasure invites thieves.
 Displaying objects of desire sows the seeds of discontent.
 Therefore the sage governs
 by emptying minds and filling bellies,
 by weakening wills and strengthening bones.
 He extols the virtue of desireless unknowing
 and keeps intellects off balance.
 When not-doing is accomplished,
 nothing remains undone."
 -  Translated by Bart Marshall, 2006, Chapter 3

A typical webpage created by Mike Garofalo for each one of the 81 Chapters (Verses, Sections) of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi) includes 25 different English language translations or interpolations for that Chapter, 5 Spanish language translations for that Chapter, the Chinese characters for that Chapter, the Wade-Giles and Hanyu Pinyin transliterations (Romanization) of the Mandarin Chinese words for that Chapter, and 2 German and 1 French translation of that Chapter.  Each webpage for each one of the 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching includes extensive indexing by key words, phrases, and terms for that Chapter in English, Spanish, and the Wade-Giles Romanization.  Each webpage on a Chapter of the Daodejing includes recommended reading in books and websites, a detailed bibliography, some commentary, research leads, translation sources, a Google Translate drop down menu, and other resources for that Chapter.  These are hypertext documents, and available online under Creative Commons 4.


Chapter 3, Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu.  Compiled and indexed by Mike Garofalo.  

Chapter and Thematic Index (Concordance) to the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

English Language Daodejing Translators' Source Index

Spanish Language Daodejing Translators' Source Index

Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices

Taoism: A Selected Reading List

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