Friday, February 07, 2014

Dao De Jing by Laozi, Chapter 75

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Chapter 75

"The people starve because those above them eat too much tax-grain.
That is the only reason why they starve.
The people are difficult to keep in order because those above them interfere.
That is the only reason why they are so difficult to keep in order.
The people attach no importance to death,
Because those above them are too grossly absorbed in the pursuit of life.
That is why they attach no importance to death.
And indeed, in that their hearts are so little set on life
They are superior to these who set store by life."
-  Translation by Arthur Waley, Chapter 75 

"Why are the people starving?
Because their rulers devour too much in taxes.
That's why they starve.
Why are the people rebellious?
Because their rulers can't stop interfering.
That's why they rebel.
Why do the people make light of death?
Because they are intent on life.
That's why they make light of death.
Yet those who do not strive to live
are wiser than those who value life."
-  Translated by Tim Chilcott, 2005, Chapter 75 

民之飢, 以其上食稅之多, 是以飢.
民之難治, 以其上之有為, 是以難治.
民之輕死, 以其求生之厚, 是以輕死.
夫唯無以生為者, 是賢於貴生.
-  Chinese characters, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 75

min zhi ji, yi qi shang shi shui zhi, duo shi yi ji. 
min zhi nan zhi, yi qi shang zhi you wei, shi yi nan zhi. 
min zhi qing si, yi qi shang qiu sheng zhi hou, shi yi qing si. 
fu wei wu yi sheng wei zhe, shi xian yu gui sheng. 
-  Hanyu Pinyin (1982) Romanization, Daodejing, Chapter 75

"The people suffer from famine because of the multitude of taxes consumed by their superiors.
It is through this that they suffer famine.
The people are difficult to govern because of the (excessive) agency of their superiors (in governing them).
It is through this that they are difficult to govern.
The people make light of dying because of the greatness of their labours in seeking for the means of living.
It is this which makes them think light of dying.
Thus it is that to leave the subject of living altogether out of view is better than to set a high value on it."
-  Translated by James Legge, 1891, Chapter 75 

"El pueblo está hambriento.
Porque sus gobernantes lo agobian de impuestos, está hambriento.
El pueblo es rebelde. 
Debido a la intromisión de sus gobernantes, es rebelde. 
El pueblo no teme a la muerte.
Porque desea con ansia vivir, no teme a la muerte."
-  Translated from Chinese into English by Ch'u Ta-Kao, Translated from English into Spanish by Caridad Diaz Faes, Capitulo 75

"The people are hungry.
Because they who are over the food tax it heavily
That is why the people are hungry.
The people are difficult to govern.
Because the rulers trust in possessions and activities
That is why the people are difficult to govern.
The people make light of death.
Because they work hard in order to save their life,
That is why they make light of death.
A Master indeed is he whose life-activities are from within.
He excels all man in his application of Life."
-  Translated by Isabella Mears, 1916, Chapter 75  

Chapter and Thematic Index to the Tao Te Ching

Taoism: A Selected Reading List 

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