Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Starting My Retirement

Yesterday, I decided not to return to my part-time position with the Corning Union Elementary School District.  I will not be working during the 2016-2107 school year.  I have resigned and retired, effective June 30th, 2016.  I worked for this K-8 school district, with 2,200 students, for 16 years as the District Librarian or Technology and Media Services Supervisor.  

I retired when I was 70 years of age.  I have been gainfully employed since the age of 15 in libraries (city, county, school), teaching, management, factories, the US military, fitness trainer, supervision, web publisher, and information services.  54 years of working at all kinds of jobs.  Fortunately, I was always able to find some kind of employment.  

Overall, I am in fairly good health except for my injured right hip, right knee, and left knee.  While running on 3/13, I fell on my right side and injured my right hip and right knee.  While descending a stairway on 6/18, I stumbled and fell down and injured the bursa in my left knee.  Hopefully, with treatment, rest, yoga, and massage I will regain my former fitness and resume athletic activities.  

My wife, Karen, retired in 2014.  We are moving to Vancouver, Washington.  

We are selling our home and property in Red Bluff, California.  A 1909 square foot house, 4 bedrooms, and 2 baths.  5 acres of land, 2 wells, 2 ponds, extensive gardens and orchard.  Photographs.  Here is the Zillow listing.


  1. Oh, that sounds like there is an interesting time coming! I wish you all the best for the transition.

  2. Best wishes for your retirement. I do hope that you will continue to write your blog - I always look forward to receiving the email that lets me know there is a new post to read.

    I have been looking around the area where I live for Tai Chi classes. So far I have only found classes that run during the day when I am at work. I continue my search...

  3. Anna, you can learn a lot of good taijiquan using instructional DVDs.
    I hope to find the time to continue my blog. -Mike

    1. So true, Mike...but your informational background and "guidance" has been invaluable to me (even after 25 years of Tai Chi and Bagua).

  4. Angelika, Thanks! Significant transitions, retiring and moving, require lots of planning, work, patience, and luck. -Mike

  5. Mike, Congrats to you for making this HUGE decision! I understand the mental gymnastics of your decision, my being 67 and struggling with whether or not to retire (the money is not the issue). Of course, your family will be thrilled with your move(s) and, I trust, you will have a graceful meld with your decision. Hopefully the Blog will continue, selfishly wishing.

  6. Conveyance Doctor,
    Yes, I am hopeful for some graceful melding of old and new in my retirement years. I do enjoy writing, so you will probably continue to see posts to this blog.
    Best wishes,
    Mike Garofalo
