Friday, December 27, 2013

Dao De Jing by Laozi, Chapter 81

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Chapter 81

"Real words are not vain,
Vain words not real;
And since those who argue prove nothing
A sensible man does not argue.
A sensible man is wiser than he knows,
While a fool knows more than is wise.
Therefore a sensible man does not devise resources:
The greater his use to others
The greater their use to him,
The more he yields to others
The more they yield to him.
The way of life cleaves without cutting:
Which, without need to say,
Should be man's way."
-  Translated by Witter Bynner, Chapter 81   

"Faithful words may not be beautiful,
Beautiful words may not be faithful.
Those who love do not quarrel,
Those who quarrel do not love.
Those who know are not learned,
Those who are learned do not know.
The riches of the self-controlled man are in the Inner Life.
When he spends for others, he has more for himself.
When he gives to others, he has much more for himself.
Heavenly Tao blesses all and hurts no one.
The way of the self-controlled man is to act and not to fight."
-  Translated by Isabella Mears, 1916, Chapter 81   

"No one likes the honest truth,
And all fine talk falls short of it.
Real words are never used to seduce you,
And those that do are no good.
The one who really knows, knows without books,
The so-called learned know nothing.
The sage holds nothing of himself back-
He uses all he has for you, and that is his reward.
He gives all he is and that is why he's rich.
And the Tao of Heaven feeds everything, and harms nothing
And the sage's Tao completes it, without doing anything."
-  Translated by Kwok, Palmer and Ramsey, Chapter 81   

"Truth has no need for fine words;
Fine words may not be true words.
The man of Tao does not try to convince by argument:
He who argues is not a man of Tao.
Wisdom does not consist in knowing everything;
The know-alls do not know the Tao.
The Sage does not hoard. The more he spends himself for others, the more he enriches himself.
The more he fives, the more he gains.
For the Tao of Heaven penetrates all things but harms none.
This, too, is the Tao of the Sage, who acts without contending."
-  Translated by Herman Ould, 1946, Chapter 81     


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