Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End of Year Reflections

"Here are some suggestions to get you started in mulling over the past year:

What did I learn (skills, knowledge, awareness, etc.)
What did I accomplish?  A list of my wins and achievements.

What would I have done differently? Why?
What did I complete or release? What still feels incomplete to me?

What were the most significant events of the year past? List the top three.
What did I do right? What do I feel especially good about? What was my greatest contribution?
What were the fun things I did? What were the not-so-fun?
What were my biggest challenges/roadblocks/difficulties?
How am I different this year than last?
For what am I particularly grateful?

Another Suggestion: Consider listing all the things in your life of which you’d like to let go—anything you no longer want. Give thanks for what they've brought you in terms of learning and usefulness and then burn the list. It's a symbolic gesture to help you release the old and be open to the new. The next step is to list what you do want—experiences, knowledge, material things, relationships, healings, whatever.…"
-  By Michael E. Angier


  1. You are giving my new years eve meaning with these reflections! I wish you and your family a very good 2014 with lots of consciousness to make dark and light both positif . And thank you so much for sharing in this blog ! Regards from the hart, Pauline

  2. Pauline, thank you very much for the kind feedback. Yes, may we find ways to blend the darkness and the light, the sad and the cheerful, the failures and the successes all with the insights of mindful consciousness, compassion, efforts for the good, kindness, and hopefulness. Happy New Year! - Mike
